Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It Finally Happened

I'm 24. I'm a college graduate. I have a full time job, health benefits, and a 401(k).

Yet, until today, I was still a child. Today, I hit a new plateau, a new stratum, if you will.

That's right, I am officially a grown-up.

"What happened to cement this new status?," you may ask. Well, let me tell you.

My Blazer broke down.

That's not really that surprising, and actually my ghetto car may set me back in the grown-up race, but my story does not stop with my Blazer breaking. The remarkable part is that it is now fixed.

It is fixed, and it is fixed solely because of my actions (and a mechanic and tow-truck driver, but whatever). Yes, you read right, I not only got my car towed, dealt with a mechanic, and got it fixed on the cheap with not a single call to any of my parents, but I also, wait for it, PAID FOR IT MYSELF!

That's right, I have a job and enough money and life experience that I can do all of that. See you later, irresponsible youth!

This is really the best. I love my life, I love chatty tow-truck drivers, I love helpful middle-aged men in parking lots, I love mechanics that play Toy Story in their shops, and I love, love, LOVE my independence. (Blog post to follow on how "independence" is actually misplaced arrogance, but I'm not coming down from this high right now.)

*Full disclosure: My parents do pay for my AAA, so they technically paid for the tow, but I totally could've afforded that, so I don't think it counts. (But thanks, Mom!)

Song of the Day: Angel from Montgomery by Bonnie Raitt


gwenpelzer said...

Well, I'm so proud ... but not the least bit surprised! Way to go! :]

P.S. You really should thank John - he takes care of the AAA for all of us. :]

Unknown said...

We felt the same way when we moved here. So, I'd have to say, "Welcome to the club!" :) And welcome to adulthood *whatever that is!*