Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Know You've Been Waiting

OK, so I know that I've been blog-slacking a little lately, but there is one particular issue that it is inexcusable that I have taken so long to weigh in on. I know you have all been waiting patiently.

That's right, it's official. Jake's the new Bachelor.

Now, before I say anything else, I just have to say I TOLD YOU SO (several times)!

Seriously, not only did I call it that he would be the next Bachelor, but I also came pretty close on what they were going to call the season. My guess was The Bachelor: Love Has Wings. However, the Bachelor producers, in all their cheesy wisdom, went with The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love. To-Mate-O, To-Maht-O.

Now, I have mixed feelings on this. Is Jake an interesting person? No. Is he someone I would want to spend time with in real life? Not at all. Is he a soul-less pretty boy who is obsessed with finding love? I think so. And that, my friends, makes him a perfect candidate for the Bachelor.

My prediction for this season: Jake picks the girl I like least, who most likely has big, fake blonde hair (wasn't sure where I was going with big and fake were you?) and is either an elementary school teacher or "consultant" of some kind.

As much as I despise myself for it, I am pretty pumped to watch the extreme uncomfortableness that will be this season. However, I do have a couple of personal hurdles to overcome before the premier in January.

1) I have to mentally prepare myself to not curl up and cover my eyes every time something awkward happens. Otherwise, I'm never going to see any of the show.

2) I'm going to have to convince someone that it would be fun to have me over to watch it every week. (I no longer have cable, but I'll come up with a solution.)

Looking forward to the blog fodder! I'll see you in January.


gwenpelzer said...

Saw him in the audience on Dancing with the Stars and figured that was the case. You are too funny.

Paige said...
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Paige said...

I do not know much of this Jake character because I missed Jillian's season of the Bachelorette. I will do some research and be ready for judgement by the time the season starts.

Oh, and I believe they put episodes online so you will be able to watch them, but not right away. If no one in Williams is cool enough to have Bachelor watch parties that can be your last resort.

(It looks like I'm a weirdo because I deleted my original post. It's not because I realized I'd written something wildly inappropriate. I noticed a grammar error and I could not leave it up like that.)

Ashleigh said...

I'm already (happily) cringing at all the awkward moments! I wonder how many ladies will be wearing pilot's wings when they get out of the limo...