Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm Ready to Talk About It

Alright. I know it's been awhile. You've probably all been hanging in suspense, wondering and wondering what is possibly going on in my life.

Or you've been assuming that I've been spending my days watching old episodes of Sex and the City on DVD and going to the coffee shop for hours. (Read: continuing to do nothing with my life.)

Well, if you've been assuming that, you would be WRONG. Wrong!, I say. (Although that's a fair assumption. I can see why you would think that.)

But I actually have big life news. I know! It's so exciting!

I got a job! That's right, I'm legitimately employed. No more long whiny blog posts about the lack of direction my life has. No more desperate searches. No more stalker-like emails and resume inundation to every non-profit in the known world. I have an actual job with health benefits and a 401(k).

(Aren't you proud?)

What's the job? Well, I'll be working here.

I'm going back on property staff and moving to Northern Arizona. I'm going to be the Housekeeping Supervisor at Young Life's Lost Canyon!

It has been a very bittersweet week. I'm really excited about the job. There are only 2 jobs on property staff that I said I would do at this point and only 4 or 5 properties that I was willing to explore working at. This was one of the jobs at one of the properties. It's pretty perfect. And the more I find out about the job and the people, the better the fit seems.

That being said, I was just at the point where I really love KC. I have great, comfortable friends here. There are things I was excited about here. And I've only been here for 6 months. It seems crazy that it's already time to move again. (This will be the 5th place I've lived in 2 years- that's insane.)

But it is time. So I'm going. Oct. 1. Crazy.

I'll fill you in more on all the details in later posts. Get pumped. And if you're in Missouri, we need to hang out before I leave.


Living on Love said...

congrats kate!

allie said...

well done!

so what exactly will you be doing?

wanna come visit stl before you peace out?

if not, ill just come visit you!