Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Love Central Park

Another week in NYC is over.  It was a great week as I settled into the routine more and more with baby Isabelle.  She continues to be wonderful.  Here's a picture so you can all see who I get to spend my day with.It has also been really fun spending time with Kelley.  She's great and has shown me all around the neighborhood and given me all kinds of tips of things to do.  She's great to work with and is wonderfully sweet and flexible.  So, all in all, it has been awesome.

Last night, Kelley and I went out with Isabelle to this great family-style, authentic Italian restaurant for wine and appetizers which was delicious and a lot fun.  

This morning, I slept in again and ended up heading out of the apartment around 1:00.  I first walked South a few blocks and wandered through the Washington square market which is basically a ton of street vendors that set up on a street down near Washington Square.  After that, I decided to go uptown with a goal of seeing Central Park.

I hopped on the subway and decided to get off at 42nd and wander up from there.  So I wandered through Times Square, where there was another street market going on on 8th Street, a much larger scale than Washington Square.  I was excited to see that funnel cakes and kettle corn are nationwide treats.

Times Square was as gaudy and tourist-infested as it is always described but it was surprisingly fun.  I put away any attempts to look like a local because, let's be honest, there were no locals around anyway.  As I walked North towards the park, I saw Rockefeller Center and the buildings got fancier and fancier. I finally made it to the park and ended up spending the better part of the afternoon there.  It truly is an incredible place.  To have such a beautiful, huge park in the middle of such a huge city is crazy.  Here are some pics:

Beautiful... Can you believe this is in the middle of NYC?

Boaters on the Lake.
Toy motorboats with the city behind.

I finally left the park only because I was getting desperate for a bathroom.  But that posed a problem because I had walked really far uptown and there were no Starbucks, which is my default bathroom.  So I hopped on the subway and got off in Times Square again thinking that there would definitely be a Starbucks there.  Of course, there's like 9 every block.  I had to go in 2 before I found one without a crazy line.  

I ended up wandering back through the market on 8th Street because I had kind of skipped past it the first time.  It was crazy.  I ended up walking another 20 blocks or so before I got back on the subway and finally headed home.

It was a really fun day.  The weather was gorgeous and it was fun to go out by myself all day. However, I am extremely excited to know that in just a few days, Lacey and Drew will be here, followed by Dusty and Sara the next day.  I can not WAIT to see them and to get down to some real fun.  It will be awesome.

Much love.

1 comment:

e. lizabeth said...

OK. I sure don't know if it is proper blog etiquette to reply to a post via a post but....

literally as i sat down to right that post, oh you better believe that i was thinking of you. and as i wrote "wah wah" in my head was not the muted trumpet sound from SNL but rather Kate's impression of the muted trumpet sound from SNL.

ah ha ha ha. i love you.