Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Sassy Prepared Me for Real Life...

I spent all day today walking and my feet don't hurt at all.  I thank the many, many hours I had to spend on my feet in the Sassy for that.  Thank you, Sassy.  (And don't bother to comment that nannying and living for free in Manhattan is not real life.  I know that.)

Today was my first real day out in the city and it was everything it's cracked up to be.  I slept until noon which was AWESOME because my body has definitely still not adjusted to East Coast time.  The damn West Coast has ruined me.  Bummer about the morning was that I figured out that my phone wasn't working and since I just got it literally 5 days ago, I was mildly upset.  But Kelley told me that there was an AT&T store on 17th and 6th which would mean all I would need to do is turn right and keep walking.  So, off I went.

I found the AT&T store and went in and got my phone taken care of which always takes grossly longer than it should.  It's not even like I was in any kind of hurry but do they have to be so slow?  I don't understand.  Also, stores and stuff in New York crack me up.  Either they're 4 times bigger than anything you've ever seen (i.e. the 4 story Old Navy next to the AT&T store) or they're half the size with 4 times as many people crammed in (i.e. the AT&T store).  But the people were very friendly in the AT&T store, so that made me completely erase the stereotype that New Yorkers are rude.  I think they can handle my Midwestern desire to talk to strangers.  

After my phone returned to functionality, I headed straight for the Old Navy.  (Had to see that coming.)  Turns out Old Navy manages to stay cheap even in NYC.  It's a beautiful thing.  After that, I set out to wander.  I walked all over my neighborhood which was super fun.  I walked through a street bazaar.  I walked through a couple of parks.  I walked all around NYU.  I found LOTS of good stores.  I realized that tourists really do stick out.  I found the the movie theater. I found Trader Joe's.  And, most importantly, I found H&M.  It was great.  Also, I never once felt like I was lost or had to get out my map.  I think I've mastered the city (or the 20 blocks around where I live).

Tonight, Kelley took me down towards Bleeker St. and Washington Square which is a really cool area.  We ended up going to a comedy show which was in the basement of a techno club which was fun.  My personal favorite comic of the night was the guy who only got to go for like 5 minutes and had to spend most of the night getting people off the street to come see the show.  He just seemed sweet.  The rest of them were pretty vulgar but still got some good laughs out of me.  And it was really fun to get out.  Kelley's been great about showing me around and telling me about all the things that I have to try while I'm here.

I'm headed to bed and am going to meet Stacy and a friend of hers at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA if you're cool) tomorrow which I'm very excited about.  This city is so fun!  Lastly, if you're reading this, pick up the phone and call me right now.  Do it.  I want to hear from you.  

Much Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kate, I couldn't help but think of our vacation to Washington, DC, when I read this and our LONG walk all over the Mall and to all the monuments ... if only that had been as easy and comfortable!

Thanks for the funny memories! Can't wait to make more!

Love you!