Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh, Wow, That Just Happened (The Bachelor, Finale)

Alright.  It's time for the last and final bachelor post of the season.  And it was a doozy last night.  I actually don't even really want to recap it because it was such a mess.  But certain things need to be recorded for posterity and the Bachelor is one of them.

So leading up to this week's finale, the hype was pretty crazy.  ABC kept billing it as the most dramatic finale ever and my friends kept trying to tell me what they had heard happens, which I refused to listen to.  (I don't like to peek at my presents before Christmas.)

So of course, I predicted he ended up with DeAnna, that being the only thing that I could conceive of in my mind that would be dramatic and still believing the Jason was a good guy.

Not the case on either count.

So the finale itself was everything it's supposed to be.  Molly and Melissa both met Ty and the rest of Jason's family.  There was a lot of Jason crying about how he is truly falling for 2 women, but it seemed pretty clear by his words the whole time that he was going to choose Melissa.  

DeAnna came back for .25 seconds and really said nothing.  I began to believe that ABC just faked us out with their tricky advertising.

Just as I predicted, he chose Melissa.  It was actually a fairly cute proposal because she was so excited and genuine in saying yes to him.  He was excited, Ty was excited.  Molly was not excited but she managed to leave with quite a bit of dignity and didn't break down too much in the car, although she did tell him several times that she thought he was making a mistake.

All in all, I was happy with the finale.  Melissa was never my favorite but she seemed sweet and we all know it's not going to last anyway.

Cut to the After the Final Rose Special.  This is when things got crazy.  And by crazy, I mean Jason is a total tool.  

We start with Chris Harrison announcing that this would not be the normal After the Rose Special.  Due to the subject matter at hand, and the potential for drama, they were filming with no audience.  

He brings out Jason and asks how things have been since the show.  Jason explains that in six weeks since the show ended, things have changed.  In the 2 maybe 3 times that he's hung out with Melissa, the chemistry has been off and he has decided that things need to end with her.  OK, I can't be that shocked by that, obviously things are different once the cameras are off.  But maybe you shouldn't have jumped to a proposal if you can't even make it six weeks.

Jason, being the class act he is, has decided to break up with her here at the Special, and, oh yeah, TRY TO GET WITH MOLLY!  That's right.  He spends the next couple of minutes talking about how he can't stop thinking about Molly and how it was so hard to let her go and he thinks he needs to try again with her.


I'll say it for you:  Jason's a jackass.

So that is what he proceeds to do.

Melissa comes out next and she is pissed.  She calls Jason out hardcore on not being willing to fight for or work on their relationship and on proposing to her when he wasn't sure he was in love with her.  She calls him a bastard, which is awesome, and then tells him that she wanted to be engaged only once in her life, that that was supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and he took that from her.  

He has no answers for any of her questions other than telling her that what he felt for her was genuine, but that he made a mistake.  He then flat out tells her that he still wants Molly and is going to go for it with her.  Melissa continues to be pissed.  And she continues to straight call him out.  Everything she says is spot on and she is wonderfully composed.  I'm on Team Melissa all the way.

The only time she remotely breaks down on stage is when she tells Jason that she wishes more than anything that he had just let her go on that last day rather than doing this to her.  It is extremely poignant and women everywhere were screaming amen to that sentiment.  Man up, Jason!

Melissa leaves with, "Don't call me.  Don't talk to me anymore.  Leave me alone, please." 

Next up is Molly.  I almost feel bad for her because she has not seen the finale or anything that just happened and has no idea what is going on.  She comes out by herself first and Chris asks a whole lot of leading questions about whether or not she still has feeling for Jason.  She says that those feelings don't go away immediately but that she's been dealing with it.  I feel ya, Molly.  The I hate him, but he's still the guy I cared about feeling.  That is the worst.

I begin praying that she will not make the mistake of going back to the guy that broke your heart.  That just never turns out well, but it's so easy to do.  I am on edge at this point in the show.  I am wishing with everything I have that she will just shoot him down.

Jason comes out and there are some awkward moments where he has no idea how to lead into what he wants to say.  Chris finally interjects and gets Jason on the right track.  Jason launches into his speech about how he just wants to take things slow, but he can't stop thinking about her.

Molly responds with hilarious shock and keeps looking back and forth between Jason and Chris Harrison obviously stunned by what is happening.  The only thing she says is, "What about Melissa?" which is awesome.  

After several more vague platitudes by Jason, Molly agrees to go out with him and see how things go and actually seems kind of stoked which makes me sick.  She does say that they have a lot to talk about, but she seems excited.  They kiss and I gag.  

I am willing to give her a wide pass as she really doesn't know what has happened between Jason and Melissa but I am seriously hoping that she has already dumped him as I'm typing this.  Jason is clearly an idiot.  Move on, Molly.  Move on, America.

I hope Jason didn't go out in public today.  The women of America are not going to be friendly to you.  

One more After the Rose Special tonight.  We'll see what else comes out.

1 comment:

Living on Love said...

what really sucked was that when both girl's asked him real questions, he didn't have an answer. and instead of making him answer him the other guy just changed the subject. freakin bachelor.
