Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cool Kids Play Board Games

I haven't written on my blog in a few days and that is mainly out of protest since nobody at all answered my awesome and thought provoking question from my last post.

Or any of my questions.  Ever.

It's fine.  

I'm not mad.

(But seriously, they're not rhetorical questions.)

On to more pressing matters: 

We had some friends over for dinner and games tonight.  (Awesome!)

We played Scene It Battle of the Sexes and the girls lost.  (Not awesome.)

It was one of those nights that I didn't even so much care that I lost (a shocking statement from me, I know) because I was just glad to have people play games with me.  And to cook dinner for people.  And to simply hang out and tell stories and laugh.  I miss that part of community.  

So I'm going on a mission to make everyone in KC love staying in and watching movies/playing games as much as I do.  That's easier said than done because the young, single, 20-something crowd here loves a good night out.  I'm not a total lame-o, I do enjoy going out for dinner/drinks every once in a while.  But I really like to talk to people and that is hard to do in a bar.  And I'm too broke to get anything but water.

Answer: lure people to my home with the promise of food and fun, then deliver.  It is a fool proof plan.  (Not too many people at once though.  I get overwhelmed.)

I now want you to go back through this post and pinpoint when I gave up any semblance of trying to seem cool.  

Song of the Day: Green Eyed Boy by Haley Bonar

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