Thursday, March 5, 2009

Maybe this is Why I Connect with Twilight

A fact that you may or may not know about me is that, when left to my own devices, I turn nocturnal.


Even when I was really young, during the summers when I didn't have to get up at any specific time, I would stay up all night until the sun started to come up and then I would finally drift off to sleep.  I would then sleep until like noon and get up for my day.

This continued throughout college.  

The only thing that combats this is that I need 8 hours of sleep every night.  So if I have to get up at 7:00, I can fall asleep by 11:00.  I do get pretty bad insomnia if I am stressed or worried about something, but for the most part I can sleep early if I have to get up.

This is a much healthier way to live.  It is impossible to feel productive when you wake up in the afternoon.  Also, after you eat lunch and shower, you only have a couple hours worth of business hours left.  Not a lot of time to get anything done.

On the other hand, I relish the night time.  It's so quiet.  It's kind of like winter.  You really can't do anything other than quiet, relaxing activities.  My favorite kinds.

But I have plenty of time to do relaxing activities during the day, so I really don't need it right now.

Since moving to KC, I have been desperately trying to combat my nature and get up by 9:00 everyday so that I will go to sleep at a normal hour.

This is my goal.

My body rejects this.

I will lay in bed for hours, staring at the ceiling.  This is the most frustrating thing ever.  Because then I just keep thinking about how if I'm going to lay there for hours, I may as well be doing something.  But what can you really do?

It's like I subconsciously know that I have no life and nothing to do tomorrow so I may as well stay up all night and sleep all day.

Does anyone want to hang out with me at like 9:30 in the morning every morning so that I have to get up?  Don't all volunteer at once.

Also, everyone get very excited for the song of the day today for 2 reasons: 1) This is one of my favorite artists and songs, and 2) I posted this video and then realized I was literally at the concert it was filmed at.  That's right, Elizabeth, me, Marc and Dave Barnes at the Blue Note in 2006.  It was great.

Song of the Day: Gavin's Song by Marc Broussard 

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