Monday, March 2, 2009

I Like Lists

You would think with my wealth of free time I would be blogging like crazy.  However, literally nothing of note has occurred in my life in the last week and a half.  

I refuse to let this break my blogging spirit.  I will blog, no matter how little I have to say for myself.  

I'll start today with a list.

Welcome to Kate's Top 5 Fictional Characters That She Wants to Marry in Real Life:

Disclaimer: My attraction to the men on this list has nothing to do with the actors that play them in real life.  I like to think that I have a fairly good grasp on reality and can distinguish between actors and the roles they play.  These are 5 exceptions to that rule.  If I were to ever engage in conversation with these men, I would be obliged to refer to them by their characters' names, not their own, thus making me one of those crazy ladies.  I would not be able to help this.  Forgive me, Lord.

1) Jim Halpert (The Office)

He gets the number one spot for a reason.  If it is possible to be in love with a fictional character, then that is what I feel for Jim.  He's constantly sarcastic and creatively funny, but does it all within a quiet nature.  That is my favorite combo in a person.  He's loyal and sweet and tall.  And he messes with Dwight constantly.  This is all I need in a man. 

2) Josh Lyman (The West Wing)

Some would pick Sam Seaborn if they were going to choose from amongst the West Wing contenders.  I do not.  Josh is super smart but self-deprecating.  He is dependable and unfailingly loyal.  He's got enough quirks and insecurities to keep life interesting.  Also, he works in the White House and gets to give inspiring speeches sometimes.  Enough said.  

3) Matt Saracen (Friday Night Lights)

I feel a little weird putting him on the list because the character is supposed to be 17.  But, the actor's like 28, and this is my make-believe world, so I think it's fine.  Again, many people would go with Tim Riggins when sizing up the cast of FNL.  But I actually do not have an asshat complex.  I like the good guys.  Saracen is endearingly funny, sweet and unsure, but always proves he has a backbone and will step up when needed.  He has the good guy who never gets a break thing going for him.  And, oh yeah, he single-handedly cares for his dementia-riddled grandmother, pays the bills, and is QB1 of the Dillon Panthers.  My inner high school girl squeals a little every time he's on screen.

4) Jake Jigelski (One Tree Hill)

OK, now I feel officially creepy because this character is also in high school.  But again, his story line on this show involves being a single teenage father raising his daughter alone and trying to keep her away from the crazy baby-stealing baby mama.  So, not really typical teenage drama.  Much like Saracen, he is the good guy always trying to do the right thing and barely making it.  I specifically remember one episode where Jake unexpectedly comes back after a long absence and my roommates and I literally screamed out loud with excitement.  I am fully aware of the extreme dorkiness of this, but it was unavoidable.  He's that awesome of a character. And this one might actually have to do with Brian Greenberg (the actor who plays him) a little because when I see him in other things, I love him just as much.

5) Aidan Shaw (Sex and the City)

I don't even need to say anything.  Beats Mr. Big every time.

I feel like this list is super dorky, but I just spent a long time writing it so I'm going to post it anyway.  Judge away.

1 comment:

Paige said...

I agree with Jim all the way!

I don't think it's weird to chose characters in high school because my list would be more movie characters and I would definitely chose Troy Bolton. He sings and dances! Plus, I'd have to add Mr. Darcy.