Sunday, April 27, 2008

Is Anyone Else Always Paranoid They're Going to Sit in Dog Poop at Picnics?

This blog is in honor of Bryce and his brand new blog. I am officially a blog convert and believe that everyone should have one so that I could better stalk them. Also, Bryce named his blog after Jared Fogle, spokesman of Subway. Awesome.

NW boot camp left today and that ended our month of man camps. Thus begins family camp month. The men were fun, but I'm excited to get some different groups in. It gets boring have man camp after man camp. They're not quite as entertaining as middle schoolers. But they are less destructive, so again a trade-off.

It was a fun weekend because they were here an extra day so I worked Sassy all day Friday and Saturday. It's been a crazy week because we're getting all the new merchandise in the store all this week but Sara's off. So I've been helping out a lot on my time off, checking in and tagging and folding and all that other good retail stuff.

Check-out this morning was at 7:30 which means we went in at 7:00. But we took a half hour lunch meaning we were done at 3:30! Awesome! Also, since we were so backed up in the store and it was a fairly light day in HK, Jen let me stay and work with Angela in the store today. That means 3 days in retail this week! Woot woot! Although I have come to quasi-love HK. It's kind of a love-hate.

So, after work I had a flat tire. I mean, really flat, which is pretty common out here. I think I got a rock embedded in my tire. Unfortunately, AAA doesn't really work out here. Luckily, I'm an independent woman and my roomie Drew and I rocked it and changed it ourselves. Kristen tryed to go get the boys to help which I told her was lame. I knew we could totally do it and we did. I thank my mom for her example. I'm thinking specifically of her cool head and take charge attitude the time our garage flooded.

Tonight was our neighborhood block party. Actually, it was a stranded in the Canyon party. Our one road is closed the next few days in order to start the repaving process, so the Dillmans had a big pot-luck picnic to celebrate being stranded. It was so fun! Pretty much the entire property came. There was yummy food and 3 distinct groups: kids, "adults," and oldies. Scenes of every family reunion/church picnic/BBQ I have ever been to flashed into my head. Really, it was just great to have everyone together and hang out and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather. And we don't have to worry about disturbing the neighbors! I love this community.

After the party, Dan and I watched Sabrina (the Audrey Hepburn version), rounding out a fantastic day. Does it get any better than that? I don't think so.

Much love.

1 comment:

brycestuck said...

i love pot luck

thanks for devoting it to me, i posted again, check it out