Saturday, May 3, 2008

Missing Missouri

That's the title of a Sara Evans song that came up on iTunes when I typed in "Missouri." Is that a weird thing to do? It's simply because I'm SO excited to be coming home. I'm widely know as "the Missouri girl" around here. Which I love. Hometown pride! Actually, it's a little weirdly obsessive. There are a couple of girls from Missouri coming out this summer on Assignment Team as Work Crew bosses and I totally geeked out when I met them. And then I told all the other interns that there were girls from Missouri here so every time one of them met them they exclaimed about them being from Missouri as well. I think they were really freaked out.

All that to say, I'm coming home! Tomorrow! I'm so excited to get out of the Canyon. I'm anticipating it will be a relaxing, refreshing 6 days. I think it is just necessary to get away every once in a while. It's really easy for things to become routine and mundane here. Our whole lives are here. I forget why I'm doing it sometimes. So I have to get away, go see people who love me and know me well. So I'm pumped.

The past few days have been great. I love spring. I woke up this morning and it was drizzly and awesome. It smelled like spring this morning. This weekend is our first family camp which is a really fun change of pace. Also, we have May Madness in which is a work weekend where people come in and plant flowers in all the flower boxes all around camp. I have asked Curtis like 20 times when we were going to get flowers back so this isvery exciting for me. And probably for him, so that I'll stop asking.

We finally finished Celebration of Discipline in small group. I could not be more stoked about that. Not that it wasn't good, but I was really sick of that book. We're starting a book called To Be Told by Dan Allender for the next 5 weeks. It looks like a really good book so I'm excited. After that, the summer interns will be here so we'll split up. I'm going to be in a group with Lacey, Drew, Becca and Deanna with Jen and Pam. Chris and Leah will have all the other girls in their group. All the groups are going to do a study on James. I'm excited about it although I'm going to miss the other girls.
If you're in Missouri, get pumped to see me because I'm pumped to see you!

Much love.

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