Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring is in the Air

So, I'm sitting outside in my courtyard on a giant picnic table in shorts and a t-shirt listening to my ipod, reading and now blogging... This could, quite possibly, be the perfect afternoon.

I have now become a firm believer in seasonal depression. Because my mood has vastly improved in the past couple of weeks because I can be outside without bundling up and wake up without having to turn on my heater. I love it.

The past few days have been really fun. The Assignment Teams for this summer have been here for training. The Assignment Team is made up of field staff who are sent on assignment every summer to different camps to fill in all the jobs that we don't staff. It was really fun to have them all in. It is also beginning to feel more and more like field staff may be in my future. Just talking to all these different people about what is going on in their areas was inspiring. It also got me super pumped for summer, although I'm trying to remain in the moment.

We had espresso this morning for the A Teams so I went in early and got off early, hence me sitting in my courtyard at 4:00 in the afternoon. I'm loving morning epresso more and more. Even though I hate getting up early, I love getting off work early!

We're in the middle of Man Camp month, we had a men's group last weekend and 2 more this weekend. Middle-aged men are really funny and have themes for their weekends such as "Wild Things" (one of the groups this weekend), "Iron Men," and "Men with Shields." The Men with Shields had an event where they made groups go out in the middle of the field and then let everyone else shoot water balloons at them while they ran around trying to pick up shields to shield themselves. It was one of the funniest things I've seen here. Also, the waterballoons were curtousy of their intern who spent literally all weekend sitting by a hose behind the Iron Kettle filling up like 1,000 water balloons. We all kept looking at him knowingly and sending him encouraging smiles. Interns get the best jobs!

Small group tonight, followed by staff worship...

I hope it is warm wherever you are and that flowers are blooming and birds are chirping. If not, be patient, it's worth the wait. Much love!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Craig Henry said...

i'm so glad my baby sister is alive!!!! i like reading your blogs, probably b/c i spend all day reading smart things. just kidding.

um, i with you could post pictures of mom in the ghostbuster vac-pac thing, i don't think i'm ever going to see them and right now i need to see them real bad.

school's hard, but my mantra for the last few weeks is "finish strong", b/c then i get to come home! give me a call soon and we'll talk about all the great things we're gonna do in Missouri!

Craig Henry said...

why can't i leave a comment on your newest post? anyway, the comment i was going to leave was just because it's the "weekend" in the canyon doesn't mean you can just forget that it's actually monday in the rest of the world. your blog was confusing and you're losing your grip on reality more and more each day.
the mary kay party is probably a test to see which of you will go to a make up party and if you go you will be cast out of the community for loving make up. just a warning.
hope things are great at the cult.

your (real) brother,

brycestuck said...


i agree with webcam, your blog is most agreeable... haha who is that guy? very funny, maybe you can chat on myspace with him, thats what all the kids are doing
watch that, itll change you (for a minute or two)