Friday, November 9, 2007

One More Night in Hollywood

I love Fridays because that means new people come in. We started out the morning in the Sports center, cleaning away. We have definitely got the groove down now. I mopped the basketball courts which was just one more step towards the awesome arm muscles I am currently developing. After the Sports center, we cleaned the Sassy and did some laundry.

After lunch we went to Little Joe and picked up the big tubs full of dishes that we put in the suites for the assignment team during the summer and took them to the kitchen to be washed. We got to spend most of the afternoon doing dishes in the pits in the kitchen which I believe to be one of the most fun jobs at camp. But I normally think that about every job that is not my own. It's just fun to get to do new stuff.

After we got done with that, we went back to the washboard and went to a couple of other places like the Ranch House to check on laundry. It was a fun, relaxed day.

After work, we headed back to the house and ate dinner and hung out. And then a bunch of us decided to go to the first Club for Work and Worship tonight. It was a lot of fun. Judy led the singing and Ben talked and they were both fun and funny. I generally enjoy both of them. Although Ben managed to embarass all of us when he suggested in his talk that people had only come this weekend because they had heard about the good looking single women he had on his staff and then suggested he introduce us all. He always just awkward and inappropriate enough to be hilarious. His talk was really good. I feel like I have a lot to learn from Ben this year. He's an incredible property manager from all I've seen and really has a vision and a passion for this place and the people that come in and out of it.

We hung out for a while after club, but now I'm back in my room waiting for last night's Grey's Anatomy to load. It should be done now, so I must go do that. Morning espresso tomorrow is going to kill me. Love you all!

1 comment:

brycestuck said...

at morning mud, do they serve hot chocolate?

if so, ill be there next week