Friday, November 2, 2007

The Meat Market is Here

Today was another wonderful day. Because we're open for late-night espresso tonight, I wasn't scheduled to go into housekeeping until 10:00. However, we had Morning Mud this morning and Kristen and I had made a pact to go every week. Morning Mud is a Friday tradition where the espresso bar is open for staff and all drinks are $1 (or $.75 if you bring your own mug). It's really fun and a lot of the staff go so it's a great time to run into people you wouldn't normally see. The problem is it's from 7:00 to 8:00 and that's really early. It's not so bad on a normal work day but since I didn't have to go in until 10:00, I really didn't want to lose a couple hours of sleep and go.

However, I had promised Kristen I would go with her so I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the Sassy early in the morning. Staff volunteers take turns running Morning Mud, which is great. Becca, Kristen, Sara, Lacey and I hung out, spent some time reading and generally had a great time. At 8:00, everyone headed to their jobs, but Sara and Becca and I stayed in the Sass and ended up talking until we were scheduled in housekeeping at 10:00. We had some really great conversations about why we're here and what we're passionate about. I feel like I really got to know them better, which was really wonderful. So, I'm definitely glad I got up for Morning Mud. However, it's like 9:00 now, I'm already tired, and the espresso bar doesn't open for another 2 hours. It's going to be a late night.

The 3 of us headed to HK and joined Jen, Erin and Sarah. All the other intern girls were painting in the MCL again this morning, so it was kind of a small crew. We cleaned the Sassy and the Iron Kettle. After lunch, the other girls joined us and we cleaned the Sports Center. Becca and I mopped the skate park, which takes so long but is still oddly fun. We then spent some time deep cleaning the Washboard. Deep cleaning is the once-a-year full clean that every building gets and it's our next big project since we've caught up with laundry.

We then headed back to the condo, ate some dinner, watched some 90210 and played some Sorry. And now I'm waiting around to go to the Sassy.

There's some kind of Southern Baptist sex convention here this weekend, which is cracking me up. It's a whole weekend on chastity for a college group of Southern Baptists. It's a first-time group here, so you never really know what to expect. And we keep joking that everyone's going to go home engaged. They're keeping their eyes peeled, that's for sure. And apparently the brought an illusionist who will be performing tomorrow night in the Sassy. I'm not sure what that's about.

Anyway, it should be a fun one and I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. I love you all!

1 comment:

brycestuck said...

another good post
I'm catching up on your life.. Crazy times.. expect a call soon