Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Time!

So, our Thanksgiving break started today and it could not have come a moment too soon. I am stoked for a couple days off. Although, I feel like I just got beat up. Tonight was the 1st Annual Turkey Bowl. The boys have been talking for weeks about playing flag football and tonight we kicked it off. Kristen and I went thinking we were going to watch but ended up playing and it was so fun. It was us and Sarah from the kitchen as the only girls. The boys had the classic problem of never throwing it to us, but after they figured out that I caught literally every pass that was thrown to me, they started sending it my way more. It was freezing cold, I got laid out a couple of times, the grass was slick and the boys were brutal, but I had a chance to wear my Mizzou beanie and repeatedly yell, "Third in the nation, baby!" So all was good.

The past few days have been a little crazy here at the Canyon. This weekend was huge and Saturday was the busiest we've ever been in the Sassy. It was crazy. But it was also a ton of fun. It felt like there were so many kids here but it's only half of how many will be here during the summer which is even crazier. But the Sass was a lot of fun and people were great about stepping in and helping us out even though they had already worked a full day.

Also, I continue to be amazed at how much money kids will spend in the snack bar. There were these 2 kids this weekend that had to have each spent 30 bucks. And that's in one day. And they're served meals. Kids blow through the money.

After the Sassy on Saturday, we got the privilege of seeing a concert by Jonah Werner, who came as special music this weekend. I like his music, but beyond that he is an amazing entertainer. He was very funny and definitely had everyone's attention the whole time he was on stage.

Sunday was an easy day. Checkout took forever and consisted of a lot of standing around. I became officially certified to handle food in the state of Oregon. And I spent the afternoon in the Washboard which is fun in small doses.

Sunday night we had game night which was so fun. We started with a game of Battle of the Sexes, followed by Catch Phrase and, our intern favorite, Apples to Apples. We have definitely picked up that game are fun, which is extremely exciting for me. Because I love games, at all times. I'm hoping I'm not getting too competitive. But I am. I can't help it.

Monday was All Clean which was really fun this week because the guys stayed with us all day. We're starting the Deep Clean on the Quads which is going to be ridiculous. After we finished bathrooms, we stripped all the mattress pads, blankets and pillows off the beds and hauled them to the Washboard. There is now a huge, daunting pile of stuff that we have to wash, literally 8 feet tall. After that, we broke up into random teams to do random things. Nick and I began polishing all the chrome in the bathrooms. It was fun to hang out with Nick. The more I get to know him, the more I like him. However, satin shining the chrome is a much longer process than you would think. Everyone was done with all their jobs in both quads and we only had 1/4 of one quad done. It sucked.

After work, we headed home and got ready for Dip Day at the Milstens. The Milstens have a traditional, non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner consisting entirely of dips at their house every year. It was a really good time, mingling and hanging out and grazing through all the dips.
We had a little celebration afterwards back at the condos as well for Becca's birthday. We have a lot of fun together. There was some dancing...
We had to work today so that we could get days off in a chunk over Thanksgiving. So us girls were in HK and spent literally all morning finishing the chrome. We had decided to start at 7:00 and take a 45 minute lunch so we could get off at 3:45 which was great. I'm kind of turning into a morning person. No, that's a lie. I still can't function in the morning, but I like it when I have to go into work early and get done early. It makes such a difference.

Anyway, we spent the morning polishing and after lunch headed to the Washboard. We were only there until about 2:30 though. After that we went back to Geronimo and spent the last hour of our day decorating Geronimo with snowflakes and such for Christmas and deciding on the rules for our girl secret santa exchange and what movie theme we want for Jen's craft day that she always has in December and consists of sitting around watching movies and crafting all day. It was a fantastic way to end the day. Our job is great.

We came back from work and Lacey and Mandi headed out and Drew left yesterday, so our house was really empty. It already feels weird. But Kristen and I watched a couple episodes of Felicity and I cooked Paige's pasta for dinner. And then we headed to the Turkey Bowl, dominated, came back and watched movie. It was a great night. But I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. This is also the latest I have stayed up since I got here. It's almost 2:00 which was basically my bed time back home. My life is definitely different.

So, I'm going to be in Bend the next couple of days and other than that just hanging out doing nothing. I'm going to be very available. Phone calls would be much appreciated. I love you all and miss you a ton.


Paige said...

Craft Day, seriously? I can't handle that. How did my pasta turn out? Did people like it? I tried calling last night but you weren't in, maybe that's when you were playing football. I left a message with one of the girls so I hope you got it. I want to talk to you sooooon!

allie said...

oh i am so jealous of you!

also, way to represent MIZZOU!

the kU game is on at 7 (well 5 your time) on ABC on saturday. i will try to call you at half time so we can discuss the game. holy cow i CANNOT wait for that game! matty has a ticket to go to it - and i could not be more jealous of him. seriously, why wouldnt you also get a ticket for your older sister. and what is up with mizzou getting all kinds of amazing once we leave - where was this our sophomore and junior years?

anyways, there is also things going on in my real life that would be fun to talk to you about so i shall be calling your sooner rather than later.

i love you soo sooo sooooooo much!

brycestuck said...

nice post
i tried calling you yesterday, there was no answer.. i had to fly to atlanta, then to st louis, then drive to kc today so the three day tailgating could begin..