Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm a Gamer, Baby

So I just got back from maybe the most fun event I've been to since I got here: Game Night at the Inglsbys'. Craig and Kathy Inglsby are my heroes partly because they're a lot of fun and cool people, but mainly because they own an incredible amount of games. But I digress.

Thursday was another easy day in HK. Since we got caught up with laundry things have settled a lot, but that will all start up again after we finish the deep clean and have another round of laundry. We did have a staff meeting in the morning where we talked about the Staff Christmas Party and were volunteered by, well, everyone to put together a little number to perform. We have some great, funny ideas so it should be a blast.

After work, we had small group and intern worship. Small group was at Jen's and was again very fun. Mandi shared her life story which was great because she's the one I feel like I've gotten to know the least. She's very quiet, so it was good that she had to talk for a long time. Worship was fun as well although it has gotten pretty cold which makes it hard for me to sing. Lance Wagner came and shared with us about scripture memory which was pretty cool. Also, he recited Colossians. Yeah, he's for real. My favorite point he made was that he tends to memorize large chunks of the Bible or whole books so that he doesn't take things out of context. It was cool and challenging. Also, his 9-year-old daughter can recite Titus. For real.

I was in HK again all day today. We started out cleaning the Sports Center. Becca's home for the weekend and Mandi and Lacey were in the D Hall and the Kitchen, so it was just 4 of us cleaning the Sports Center. But it was fun. After lunch, Sara went to the store so Drew, Kristen, Sara Morrow and I cleaned the Sassy and then Drew and Kristen got off because they were in the Sports Center tonight. So Sara Morrow, Jen and I did really random things like clean the vacuums for the rest of the afternoon. It was fun spending time with Sara, she's really cool, quiet natured but in a calm way not a shy way and also pretty funny.

I helped with Morning Mud this morning which was fun but also a little crazy. People show up for $.75 espresso.

After work, I came home for a while and then went to dinner. There's 2 groups in this weekend. The first, bigger group is from Walla-Walla High School and is a leadership weekend put on by their student board. It's kind of run by a teacher there who is married to a guy on YL staff who also happened to be one of my Work Crew bosses at Malibu. So he's here this weekend helping put on program and stuff. It's funny because it looks a lot like a YL weekend but without the spoken name of Christ. They're a lot of fun and very enthusiastic. The other group is a small Campaigner group from Sunset High in Portland who are just having a retreat and using some of the smaller buildings.

After dinner, we headed to the Inglsbys' and got our game on. It was so much fun. A lot of people from property were there and there were kids running around all over the place and lots of yelling and laughter. And they have literally the most board games I've ever seen. An entire closet full. We were there for almost 3 hours playing, it was so much fun.

For Bryce- You have to find and play a game called Cash n' Guns. You'll love it.

No morning espresso this weekend! Which means I will be sleeping in tomorrow. Praise the Lord.

Much love.

1 comment:

brycestuck said...

hey, I'll keep an eye out for Cash and Guns.. I gave Rachum the address to this blog, so you should hound her about your life, quiz her or something.. I'm headed home tomorrow, I'll eat some El Jimador in your honor.. maybe KDude will be forced to hang out with me since we'll be in the same city.. we can only pray