Monday, November 5, 2007

Friday Night, Just Got Paid

OK, I know you're looking at the title and thinking, 'It's not Friday night.' What you are forgetting is that Monday night is Friday night in the canyon. But I digress.

Since I last posted, the sex group left, I did vending, we deep cleaned the Hideout and we had an All Clean. It's definitely starting to become routine. The weekend in the Sass went well. The group was really small and definitely didn't care about Night Espresso. Friday night we made $6.50 in an hour and a half. But Saturday day opening went well and was pretty busy. It was a pretty small group but they were all college kids which was fun.

Saturday night was also slow but we had a lot of visitors which was very fun. People tend to come hang out in the Sassy with us which I really appreciate. Mike hung out with us the whole time we were open which was awesome. I've come to like Mike a lot. He's funny but not attention-seeking and when he speaks, he always has great things to say. He's really cool.

On Sunday, I helped with checkout and then did vending. After vending, I met the other girls who were at work Deep Cleaning. The Deep Clean is going to be quite the project as we clean everything that never gets cleaned. But it's fun to work on that stuff all together and we already have 3 buildings done.

Today was All Clean which was surprisingly fun as always. Erin, who is on staff in Housekeeping, hid in a shower and scared the crap out of Sara when she went to clean it which was entertaining for all of us. After All Clean, Drew, Mandi, Erin and I went to the Washboard while the other girls worked on more Deep Clean.

After work, Nick, Kristen, Mandi and I decided to make a trip into Madras for groceries. There's talk of going into Bend tomorrow to get dinner and a movie, but we decided to get grocery shopping out of the way tonight. It was so much fun, although Nick is a crazy driver on the scary, scary roads out here. We had a lot of fun laughing in the grocery store and jamming to music in the car. It's been fun getting to know Nick. I feel like I don't get to see the boys a lot mainly just because I see the girls so much. So it's always good to hang out with them.

Now I'm back and getting tired at 11:20. It's way past my bedtime. Luckily, I went to bed at 8:30 last night. No lie. I'm turning into my brother. Or an old person. Which is pretty much one in the same.

My plans for the weekend: sleep, read, unpack from my trip to MO and do laundry. In that order. See you on the flip side.


brycestuck said...

and now I'm totally caught up
over 40 kids at club this week, videos on YouTube soon..

Go Tigers (all messages will end like this until they lose again)

Glen! said...

An old person? boooooo