Monday, January 10, 2011

The Office

I was looking around my office today and realized there are several things that probably make my office different than yours (and also infinitely more awesome- just a personal opinion).

I'm going to list them:

1) Franklin the Zebra. Yes, I have a stuffed, taxidermied (is that a word?) zebra head in my office, staring at me all day. And yes, I named him Franklin.
I love him.

2) 9 cases of carpet cleaning solution and 3 boxes of hand soap dispenser refills. Sometimes we run out of places to store these things. But, don't worry! I have some space in my office!

3) These super awesome teacher signs that say "Eyes on Me!" and "Quiet Please." I'm not a teacher but I do have to deal with high school kids on a regular basis. And sometimes, I just want to go on an elementary school teacher-style power trip and hold these signs up with a steely look in my eye until people listen to me.

4) One of the most awesome and simultaneously weirdest gifts anyone has ever given me. It's a stuffed bear. Made by my first session Summer Staff girls. Made out of an old, stained towel and some dryer lint. I cherish it.

5) A knife block. Why, you may ask. I have no idea. Someone left it in my office. Maybe it belongs somewhere on camp. Maybe some group brought it with them and left it here (people leave weirder stuff than a knife block.) I have no idea. But in my office it sits.

6) A binder labeled "Illness/Bugs" filled with articles on, you guessed it, disease outbreaks and bug infestations. I love my job.

7) A super awesome balcony that affords me this beautiful view/the pleasure of being able to hear everything that anyone says in Clarabelle's/scaring people who don't know I'm up in my office/performing the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet/throwing things at people. Yeah, offices in lofts are the way to go.

8) This view out of my window of a snow covered obstacle course and, just beyond the fence you see, snow covered National Forest. Also, many stray cats and squirrels.

9) This embroidered Mountain Smith bag that I bought, embroidered with Lost Canyon Housekeeping and gave to my staff (and myself!) for Christmas. Hecks yes.

10) Radios. Or, in laymans terms, walkie-talkies. We call them radios so that they can sound like legitimate business tools. You can call them walkie-talkies because they're fun to play on.

Yeah, I know. My job's the shizz.

See you tomorrow for the Bachelor Blog!


Christina Alicia said...

1. I love your office :)
2. Hire me... I want a cool LC Housekeeping mountain smith bag
3. Miss you!

ohndray said...

That balcony view is perfect for running a sweat shop!