Monday, January 17, 2011

Love. My Life.

I'm sitting in a coffee shop, drinking a soy latte, blogging and staring out the window at the ridiculously beautiful, snow-covered Humphries Mountain on Day 3 of my weekend.

It is moments like this that I love my life.

You know when I don't love my life?

When I'm awake at 4:00 in the morning because my mind won't stop racing with everything I have to do and everything I wish I had.

But then I put in my earbuds and listen to the Avett Brothers and my life feels better again.

I get up and I stare out my window. I look at the pine trees, and the pristine snow on the ground. And I listen to my music. And I write in my journal. And all of a sudden stress and worry is peace and thankfulness.

Peace because my world is at peace. And thankfulness because there is so much to be thankful for.

My racing mind stops worrying that I don't have enough. Enough money, enough courage, enough. I realize that the only currency I care about is wrapped up in the people that I love, the people that love me.

In this I am rich.

I stop mentally checking my calendar. My color-coded outlook calendar, filled with more and more and more. I'm worried because there's so much to do and it's so much harder to do it all when I'm tired and weary.

But then the silence and the music and the beauty plant energy deep within me. And I keep staring. I put away the futile struggle that is a constant in my life, the over-reaching to be better. Better than you, better than I was, better.

All I really want is more of this, more currency of love, more peace and contentment.

For this I will fight.

And then I sleep. Deeply. And contentedly.

And I wake up this morning and laugh at my 4:00 AM self. My broody, funny, sleepless self.

And then I write a blog post I'll probably be faintly embarrassed about tomorrow.

And I stare out the window at my beautiful mountain and drink my latte and continue listening to the Avett Brothers.

And love my life.

Love. My life.

Song of the Day: I And Love And You by the Avett Brothers

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