Monday, January 31, 2011

Cuteness and F Words... Story of My Life

So, I'm 3 episodes behind on the Bachelor. I know, I know. So sad.

But that does mean that I'm going to get to have a Bachelor marathon. And then create a marathon post. I'm pumped. And you should be too.

I went to Tucson this weekend and it was awesome. Mainly because it was 78 degrees. And I got to hang out with my bestie Kristen.

Also, my friend Dusty sent me this picture of his really cute baby with the following caption:
He likes to sleep all day, just like Auntie Kate. If only she would come to nap with him. :(

Yeah, way to make me both squeal out loud with the sheer cuteness and guilt trip me about not getting to meet him yet. So I will be spending a portion of my day finding cheap flights to Walla Walla, WA. Because I must. Hold. That. BABY!

Seriously, I need to hold him. And baby talk to him. It has to happen.

Also, I really like having friends that put their babies in weird poses and then send me pictures. What's the point of having a baby if you don't do stuff like that?

Alright, this post was kind of about nothing. Enjoy it anyway.


Song of the Day: Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons (Disclaimer: There are f words in this song. Deal with it.)

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