Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Don't Suck

You know how sometimes you suck at life? And sometimes you're really careless with people that you care a lot about? Because you love them, but for some reason you think you can just be selfish and let them show you that they love you and not give that back.

Yeah, I've been that girl lately. (And by lately, I mean for like a year.)

And one of my dearest friends in the world finally said that to me. And it didn't feel good. But it felt good to have it said.

So, no excuses. I'm going to show the people that I love that I love them. A whole lot more. Because me thinking in my head how much I like them and value them but never calling them or sending them letters or anything does not equal being a good friend.

I literally just put a sticky note that says, "Don't Suck!" on my mirror. And I'm going to adhere to that new motto.

Here's to not sucking!

P.S. Thank you to everyone who loves me even though I do, in fact, suck.

1 comment:

Craig Henry said...

wow, this is going to be really hard for you.