Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bold But True

I'm going to make a bold statement: The best Pandora station is Ryan Adams.

Yes. It is.

Don't bother arguing, I have done a lot of research.

I love my Michael Jackson station. Missy Higgins is great but somehow always turns into Mat Kearney. Amos Lee (whom I love) produces no less than 5 Coldplay songs every hour. No thanks.

The Ryan Adams station is the perfect mix. Good, quality music that always has a perfect blend of songs I know and love and some new ones that I haven't heard but immediately put into my iTunes wish list. Also, it throws in a lot of Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash just to keep things lively.

My only complaint is that it sometimes plays Walk the Line as its Johnny Cash selection twice in a row. Johnny has some great songs, Pandora. Branch out!

I know people are loyal to their Pandora stations, so feel free to attempt to prove me wrong. (On second thought, maybe I'm the only one who's loyal to my Pandora stations. Sometimes I feel a loyalty to internet radio programs. Is that weird?)

Bring it people. What's the best Pandora station?

Song of the Day: Hurt by Johnny Cash (Just another suggestion, Pandora. This is the first Johnny Cash song I ever loved. I saw the video on MTV when I was in 8th grade and loved it beyond what I could really understand at the time. Although, I'll admit I originally thought it was cool because I was really into Nine Inch Nails at the time. Hardcore!)

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