Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Have Written... This Post

So I was going to post about the Bachelor finale last night, but I just can't.

I'm home alone and it was a beautiful, sunny, warm (by warm I mean not cold) day. Tyrone Wells' new album is on my iTunes and I just don't have it in me to be snarky about Jake and Vienna.

I just finished Donald Miller's new book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. I was in love with the premise. Donald's first book, a memoir, was being turned into a movie, and they kept changing everything to make it a better story. It made him realize that his life sucked, that he needed to get up off his ass and live a life that people would give a crap about.

He's funny and real and he speaks to my heart a lot.

But my favorite line in the book wasn't his. He was talking about how he's a writer who hates writing. And then he quoted William Zinsser who said that writers "love to have written."

Yeah, that sounds about right.

I love to have written. I love having stories. But a lot of the time, I hate the process. I love talking about the places I've been, but I get tired and cranky when I travel. I love being settled in a new place, gathering new people to love. But the first 6 months anywhere makes me sad and lonely.

I love to have written.

It's not even that I avoid things that are hard. I don't. I travel, I move, I love. But sometimes I become so daunted by the idea of the process, by the length of time, by the chance of failure, that I just can't do it.

But I want to have written.

And I want to have written something really incredible.

Song of the Day: Running Around in My Dreams by Tyrone Wells

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