Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Hate Myself a Little for this Post

I need winter to be over. I don't want to be a whiner, but seriously, I need winter to be over.

I can't handle being inside anymore. I can't handle it being dark at 6:00 PM.

I'm whiny and a little restless. And I want to blame it on winter because I don't want anything else to be the cause.

My life is in a weird place. I'm 25 years old. I have a career. And I love it. I love feeling purposeful. I love getting up in the morning and having somewhere to go and something to do and people to see. I love not worrying about how I'm going to support myself. I love it.

But I miss getting up in the morning and watching TV while I get ready. I miss deciding what I'm going to do with my day on that day. I miss being able to spend 3 hours in the coffee shop and staying out until 2 AM.

And yet, I hated it. I hated feeling like my days meant nothing, like I had no direction and no clue.

So here I am. 25 and mainly happy, but still sitting at a coffee shop and whining on my blog. And becoming more convinced that I may never grow out of the need to do that.

You can skip this post if you want, I wouldn't blame you.

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