Friday, March 26, 2010

Dum, Dum, Da-Dum

Little known fact about me: I love weddings. Love them. I'm not sure that I ever want to participate in one in a starring role, but I love attending them.

I used to hate them. When I was younger, I thought they were really boring. It was always a random cousin or someone's older sister (I grew up in a town where it was perfectly acceptable to wedding crash, or at least reception crash), and I just didn't care that much.

But then I got to college and people that I knew and loved really well started to get married. People that I walked through life with. People that I knew as single and then watched as they started a whole life with someone that I knew that they loved. A lot. Someone who was going to make their lives even more spectacular because they fit and challenge and grow together.

That's fun to watch.

But the real reason I love weddings is that I really love a good party.

This weekend my friend Bryce is getting married. Bryce was one of my first Young Life kids. I knew him already because he's Bryce and everyone knows him, but we bonded when he was the punk freshman who was also the super distracting boyfriend of one of the girls in my cabin at camp that summer.

Long story short, I haven't spoken to that girl in 5 years, but I'm taking a red-eye flight to Ohio tonight to see Bryce get married.

And I get to see several of my favorite people in the world in the process.

My expectations for the weekend: get approximately 4 hours of sleep divided between 2 nights, laugh until I cry, try to catch up on years worth of life, and feel extremely happy to be with people I am so completely comfortable with.

Yep, I love weddings.

1 comment:

brycestuck said...

Well said Kate. This post almost makes up for your lack of devotion to one of our lost loves, LOST. I'm close to considering forgiveness.

Side note (I'm full of these nowadays), after being a YL leader for 4 years, I can look back and see how you clearly should have hated my guts... I was that annoying boyfriend. HAHA, funny to think about now. God is hilarious... Nick was the same "annoying boyfriend" on the same trip.. Geez we were punks...