Thursday, January 14, 2010


Before I blog, I would like to take this opportunity to officially welcome Phil G. to my blog. It's good to have you, Phil. Now update your blog so I can stalk you in return. Thanks.

Let's post.

I went to a day-long personal finance seminar instead of working today.

Yep, you heard me right. Me. Financial seminar. All day.

Actually, everyone I work with was required to go because we were hosting it at Lost Canyon. It was literally entitled Financial Freedom. You would be correct if you were thinking that it was hosted by a man in a navy blazer and khaki pants. You would also be correct in thinking it included a heavily animated Power Point presentation.

I was excited about this day for a few reasons. The first was that I knew it would give me the motivation I needed to get my finances together now that I have a real person job (ugh). The second was that I had this weird premonition that it was going to be awesomely reminiscent of retreat days in high school.

I was not disappointed.

It was absolutely the grown-up equivalent of retreat day. I got to wear weekend clothes instead of my normal toilet-cleaning clothes (or Catholic school uniform in the analogy). When I first got to work, I ran to the auditorium and spent some time asking the cool kids to sit by me. We claimed the good row, stocked up on snacks, and spent an appropriate amount of time giggling and whispering (not too much so we didn't get in trouble).

I don't think I need to say more, this day was clearly awesome.

I told you, high school retreat day all over. Although, I didn't have to spend any time trying to hide the Smirnoff Ice on my breath, so there has been some growth in the last 7 years. (Mainly that I would never drink Smirnoff Ice anymore.)

And, as a bonus, I actually did figure out some stuff about finances. That's good. (Although I need an entire other post to talk about how I'm such an extreme commitment-phobe that even long-term saving stresses me out. It's not pretty.)

I'm headed to SoCal this weekend, to bask in the warmth with a few of the ladies here. And then we're going to come back to a week that is supposed to bring us 4-7 feet of snow. Yes, feet. The Williams Police Chief has literally been meeting with FEMA to prepare. One time in Columbia, we got 8 inches and didn't leave the house for 2 days. My life has changed.

Wish me luck.


Craig Henry said...

umm, did this retreat feature monks in robes with guitars??.. i thought not.

Paige said...

Do not slight the Columbia snow storm of December 2006. It was 16 inches! Not the abysmal eight you claim.

Phil Grefrath said...

Thank you kindly for the welcome.

Smirnoff Ice eh? I was so unaware.

allie said... totally left the house! to come see ME in the hospital. and no, we dont need to go into why i was in the hospital....