Monday, December 1, 2008

I Heart New York

I had the ultimate in New York experiences today.  That's right, the event to beat all events that firmly says, "You are in New York.  And it is fabulous."

You've heard me right... I passed Sarah Jessica Parker on 5th Ave. and she smiled at me.

Coupled with the fact that I literally ran into Chris Noth (Mr. Big) on Broadway just a couple of weeks ago, I feel that my New York experience is now complete.

I have to say though, it has made me realize how much I'm going to miss the city.  I was never particularly drawn to New York.  I always wondered why people who lived there loved it so much.  But now I understand.  It gets into your skin.  The crowd, but the ability to be alone within it.  The hundreds of different languages, cultures, colors that I walk past every day.  The crowded subway, the noise.  I seriously love it all.

And it's capped off by a walk down 5th Ave. on a beautiful day and SJP.  Perfect.


Craig Henry said...


you probably grinned like such a goober.

Paige said...

Umm...You didn't tell me you saw Mr. Big too! It's almost like you are living in Sex and the City. You were passing Big on his way to a meeting and you saw Carrie right after she bought some shoes on 5th Avenue. That means Miranda and Samantha are at work and Charlotte is at home with Lily and Rose.