Thursday, December 4, 2008

In the Cookies of Life, Friends are the Chocolate Chips

I have realized that the only thing that really makes life entertaining is friends.  I live in the most exciting city in the world and I really don't do that much because I don't know anybody.

I actually really love being on my own.  I could sit in my house by myself for days and be happy.  I love going to museums and shopping by myself.  But all of that is so... peaceful.  Everything truly fun or exciting or entertaining that ever happens to me happens in the presence of other people.  

All this to say, I'm excited to come home and to spend some serious time just hanging out.  There's really nothing better.

Oh, and the title of this post comes from a mug that was in our cupboard at Wildhorse.  I used it often because it cracked me up... We had the most random dishes/utensils in our kitchen (including an ice tea maker and a giant griddle but no whisk... only the essentials).

Miss you all.  See you soon!

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