Monday, December 15, 2008


I started packing and I am again blown away at my ability to accumulate crap.  I was here for 2 and a half months and I gained a significant amount of stuff.  Stuff that I now have to cram into a suitcase and get back to Missouri.  But luckily, I have a blog to allow me to procrastinate from trying to figure it out!

Remember when it was finals that I procrastinated from?  This is so much better!  The biggest advantage of being out of college: no ever-present test/project/presentation/vast amount of reading looming over your head.  It is blissful.

Speaking of vast amount of reading, this is the pile of books I have after 2 months in NYC:

And this is the single (already full) suitcase that I'm trying to stuff them all into along with that pile of clothes next to it, and some Christmas presents, and some (=a whole lot of) other random crap I don't have room for:

Who wants to take bets on whether or not I can talk my way out of paying the $115 it costs to have an overweight suitcase?  Remember, I'm not that smooth.  But people do pity me occasionally, so I have that going in my favor.  
Back to the grind.  But home tomorrow!  So pumped!

P.S.  I hope this is not the only time in my life that I have to make everything I have to live off of fit in a single suitcase.  It's actually ridiculously fun.  I kind of love my life!

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