Friday, December 12, 2008


I hate it when people make me guess things.  When I'm in a conversation with someone and they say anything along the lines of, "...and you'll never guess what he got me for my birthday.  No, seriously, guess!  It was the most heinous present ever!  You'll never get it!  Guess!", I get very annoyed.  Why would I want to engage in a game I have no chance of winning?  Also, I hate to break it to you, but if I'm going to take the time to think of what would've truly been the most heinous gift ever, it's going to ruin your story.  Because when you reveal it was actually a pair of crocs after I guessed artful nude picture of his parents, it's going to steal your thunder.  

That being said, I think we should play a guessing game!  All about me!

I'm going to write about what goes on during my days and I'm going to let you guess what result this has on my life.   After reading, attempt to finish this sentence:  Because of the circumstances of Kate's life, she...  

I wake up in the mornings and the apartment is quiet.  I shower, eat my yogurt with granola (and blueberries on special days) and generally try to be quiet so as not to disturb everyone else sleeping.  

When the baby wakes up, Kelley feeds her and I go to get us coffee.  I come back and play with Isabelle for a while and then she goes to sleep.  I do the dishes and on some days, a load of laundry.  Other days there are as many as 4 shirts for me to iron.

I check my email, see that there's one from my mom and 4 junk mails.  I check google reader.  I see that up to 2 of the blogs I subscribe to have been updated.  I check facebook.  People I don't really know have been tagged in some pictures.  I peruse msn articles, reread last Sunday's PostSecrets and guiltily browse pink is the new blog.  I realize that not that much has happened in the 8 hours I was asleep.

Isabelle wakes up.  She eats, plays and is ready to nap again.  There is normally a walk in there somewhere.  I do another round of internetting.  Still nothing happening.

Main point:  Isabelle's asleep over half of the day.  And I have to find ways to quietly keep busy.

After I get done working at 5:00, we eat dinner.  Sometimes the TV is on, often it isn't.  I spend a good couple of hours in my room alone every night.  The internet is spotty everywhere in the apartment, but rarely works in my room.  Sometimes I go to Starbucks or wander through stores and stuff in my neighborhood.  Sometimes I meet my few friends here for dinner, movie, general hanging out.  (That last point doesn't really help with the guessing game, but I added it so I didn't look pathetic... I do have friends.  And I go to a lot of museums and stuff by myself on the weekends.  It's fun, I swear.)

In summary, my life consists of a lot of quiet and a lot of down time.

What do you think that means for my life?  Can you finish the sentence?  If you know me at all, you should get this...

Alright, the answer is...

Because of the circumstances of my life, I...

read.  A ridiculous amount.  (If you guessed overindulge in celebrity gossip or briefly considered and subsequently rejected the idea of internet chat rooms, you would also be right.)

(Did you win the game?)

I've read 10 books in the last 8 weeks.  And that's not counting the fact that I've read more than one of them twice in that time period.  (I won't say which ones I've read twice because that's embarrassing.)  I also have read every newsweek I've gotten cover to cover, even the boring articles.  

I would say I read more than the average person anyway, but this is excessive even for me.  As a way to stave off the boredom, I'm going to review the books I've read for you so that you can pretend like you've read them if you're too busy to read yourself.  (Don't get too excited though, I don't exactly have high-brow taste in literature.)

I briefly considered starting a new blog devoted completely to this task, but then I realized that no one would take the effort to click on the link, and even if they did, it would be a one-time thing.  So, I'll put them here.  Enjoy.
P.S.  I've recently discovered my love for linking.  I appreciate when people take the extra time to show me exactly where I can find more on whatever they're talking about.  It's just considerate.  Also, it makes your blog look cooler.  What other reason do you need? 

1 comment:

Paige said...

I probably could've guessed that. My original guess was that you absolutely love all the down time because you love quiet time to yourself. I definitely guessed that you read Twilight more than once (I so saw that coming). I'm looking forward to your book reviews because I have a lot of time on my hands right now and I want to read a lot this break. I'm up for suggestions, except for Twilight, I don't know if I'm ready to get sucked into that world.