Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pollen is NOT My Friend... And I'm Friendly

I'm not going to lie to you, internet world. I used to think that people who complained about their allergies were just big, whiny babies.

I mean, there I was, skipping about Mid-Missouri, frolicking amongst so much pollen. Grass, flowers, pet dander. No problem for me! So I didn't really get what other people were complaining about. So you're sneezing a little? Small price to pay for the gloriousness of flowers.

Then I moved to Northern Arizona. Where there is no grass. And really not very many flowers. And not a whole lot of vegetation period.

Except for trees. Not deciduous trees like in beautiful old Missouri, but coniferous trees. Pines and Aspens and Junipers. They're gorgeous. And mountainy.

But apparently my body would like to reject them.

And now I'm the sneezy, whiny girl who can't breathe at all.

It is not fun.

And I'm not experienced with having allergies, so I'm not really sure what to do. I've taken every allergy medicine there is. I've been doing a sinus rinse. I've been sleeping with a humidifier on.

I know you're probably saying in your head, "Kate! Go to the doctor! They're trained to deal with this!" But as I've stated before, I have a deep rooted paranoia that the doctor will be ashamed that I would dare come to see them without being deathly ill. I feel like if I'm not requiring amputation, I should just tough it out.

Also, I'm stubborn.

So, here's hoping that the pollen count goes down so I can play outside.

Song of the Day: New Soul by Yael Naim


Liz said...


totally serious. come to uganda with us and we will get some for you. and listen to this MOST fascinating Radio Lab.

and then thank me for your allergy cure by coming back to Oregon.

Miriam said...

Kate, Thank you as always for making me laugh. I miss you and we both live in Williams. Must fix that.