Sunday, November 16, 2008

Things I Would Kill For...

1) Good internet... Between everyone skyping all day and watching entire movies hence slowing down the internet connection to complete uselessness at Wildhorse and my neighbor's crappy stolen signal here in NYC, I have endured a year and a half of completely horrible internet.  I just want to be able to watch TMZ videos and read the new PostSecrets in a timely manner.  (Don't judge.)

2) Panera.  There is no Panera in NYC but there is a restaurant where you can play Bingo while being served your dinner by transvestites.  Come on.

3) Good avocados.  This is my one west coast hold-over.  I miss them in my tummy.

4) All American companies to observe the same holiday time off as state universities.  You would obviously get paid over-time if you chose to work the summer term, but no pressure.

5) Unlimited access to any and all downloads on iTunes for a price of say $10/month.  This would save me a pretty significant amount of money.

This is all I ask for people.  Really, is it too much?  

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