Monday, May 16, 2011

I Was a Liar

Since I was about 18, I've claimed to love NPR.

For like 5 years, that was a total lie.

It just was, OK. I'm admitting it now. I was a liar. I didn't like talk radio. I listened to BXR. Non-stop. (Side note: I still believe BXR is the best radio station ever. I don't know what it's like now, but when I was in college it was non-stop awesome. And I miss it.)

I just couldn't do talk radio. I had the attention span of a gnat. It wasn't going to happen. But I thought it sounded cool to like it so I went with it.

However, now that I'm officially a grown-up (I guess), I actually do love NPR. And all kinds of talk radio and podcasts.

I'm no longer a liar. I think it's like in high school when I pretended I liked beer. I did not. But I kept drinking it and eventually, I did. (And still do. Moderately, I promise.)

It has taken me longer to hop on the audiobook bandwagon. I'm still not really there. (I like to read books, people. On paper.) But in my quest to continually evolve, I finally used my This American Life credit to download a free audiobook of my choice.

I chose Bossypants by Tina Fey. Because I'd heard great things about the book and I already loved Tina and think she's hilarious. And she reads the audiobook and I figured this would be one case where having the author actually read the book to you would be a benefit.

It totally was.

Internet, get this book. It's awesome. Tina's awesome. Everything involving Tina and this book is awesome.

(Sometimes I get carried away, but seriously it was good.)

She's funny and real and sometimes sort of vulgar (all of which I love). And she speaks about being a woman, being in charge, trying to find humor in 70 hour work weeks, what [jerks] some people are determined to be, and how to live a life doing what you love and not feeling like you should feel guilty about it. But she speaks about all of these things with grace and without seeming like a crazy or bitter which is hard to do. (I know, I've tried.)

She's just authentic. And again, really funny.

I want to be sort of like her when I grow up. (Well, really more like me but with her authenticity, humor, completely realistic view of herself, and unapologetic success.)

Order it in print here on Amazon or the audiobook here on Audible.

Also, watch this TED talk. Another thing I pretended to love and didn't really. It's about how happiness leads to success not the other way around. Real good.

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