Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Forget Things but I'm a Good Sharer

About 3 times a week, I open up the notes on my iPhone and I write down ideas for future blog posts. They are normally really great ideas and would be either deeply moving or riotously hilarious.

Unfortunately for us all, by the time I actually go to write the posts, I have literally no idea what my notes mean. I'm not sure what this says about me, but it can't be good. It's enough of a problem that I even think about it when I'm making the notes now and try to add more detail. Doesn't help.

But looking at my notes from last week, I came across this sentence:

I just found something beautiful stuck on a crowded plane in Miami...

And that note made me smile. Because, true to form, I don't remember what that something beautiful was. (Could I have been more vague?) But I do remember the feeling.

The feeling of being in a place that I should have been frustrated in. An overly-warm, overly-crowded plane stuck on a tarmack in Miami. Waiting to start a 5-hour flight west. Tired and a little sad to be leaving my vacation behind.

I should've been mad.

But I found something beautiful instead. I had a moment where I saw how funny and sweet and just plain pretty life is. I looked at the people around me and didn't see weary travelers, but fellow humans.

It was important enough that I wrote it down so I would share it with you.

And then promptly forgot it.

So now I write it down again. Because even though I don't remember what I saw or why I thought it was so beautiful, I do remember that I wanted to share joy, hope, love, and peace.

And that can't ever be a bad thing.

Song of the Day: Santeria by Sublime (This came up on shuffle today and I found myself singing very loudly along with every single word. It's a classic.)

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