Monday, April 18, 2011

The Joys of Working in Non-Profit

OK, you know how sometimes you see people you went to school with on facebook and they're like in pharmeceutical sales or something that sounds equally boring? And they own houses? Or really cool condos? And drive really nice cars and wear fancy clothes and live in big cities and go on exotic vacations?

And then you look around your office (which contains a stuffed zebra head) at the non-profit you work at and it's not so glamorous? And even though you're entering a season where you'll be working a whole lot of 60 hour work weeks, you check your bank account and realize that, once again, you're going to need to not buy any food or gas or anything for the last 10 days of the month? And you get an email alerting you that you can view your pension balance online and you realize that even though you've been putting money in it for 2 years you only have about $700?

Oh, and then you remember your student loans?

So even though you're super content with your life and you love your job and your friends and where you live, you question your life choices a little? And then you get mad at yourself for questioning your life choices at all because you actually love your life unlike the miserable bastards stuck in the rat race of corporate America? And you wonder why it makes any sense that society would value pharmaceutical sales over kids?

Has that ever happened to you?

Yeah, me neither...

Song of the Day: Have You Ever Seen the Rain? by CCR (classic)

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