Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy Bee

Current Sustaining Life Forces: coffee, good music, my journal, really great friends.

I am happy.

Busy and happy.

And there's no end in sight...

Song(s) of the Day: NPR Tiny Desk Series by The Tallest Man on Earth

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Life is Fun... And Busy

For the next week, on any given day between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM, I have approximately 10 hours total that I'm not scheduled to be somewhere or doing something specific.

So, if anyone wants to hang out, I have Sunday before 2:00 free.

That's it.

I really love my life.

Song of the Day: Firework by Katy Perry (Because it's awesome. And who doesn't want to shoot fireworks out of their chest?)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Don't Want 19 Kids

So I'm worried that my hair's getting sort of crazy religious fanatic long.

You know, like "I gave birth to 19 kids" long.

So, Michelle Duggar:

Now, I know I don't have the bangs. Or the crazy look in your eye that can only come from having 19 kids but still...

I'm concerned.



Me and Michelle:

Yeah, I gotta go make a phone call...

Song of the Day: When I Fall by Lizz Wright

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Snowstorms = A Restless Me

It's snowing.

On the second day of spring.

This is the time of year where I start going a little stir-crazy. Winter is long in Northern Arizona. And I'm sick of it. And sick of doing the same thing day in and day out without a break.

I'm restless.

I kept thinking I would grow out of my rambling heart, but I just haven't. Nor will I ever, methinks.

Oh, well. It will be summer soon enough and I'll get to be outside and be super busy.

In the meantime, I'll work in my office with my headphones in and take great joy in good music and hot cups of coffee.

Song of the Day: Is This Love by Corinne Bailey Rae

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pollen is NOT My Friend... And I'm Friendly

I'm not going to lie to you, internet world. I used to think that people who complained about their allergies were just big, whiny babies.

I mean, there I was, skipping about Mid-Missouri, frolicking amongst so much pollen. Grass, flowers, pet dander. No problem for me! So I didn't really get what other people were complaining about. So you're sneezing a little? Small price to pay for the gloriousness of flowers.

Then I moved to Northern Arizona. Where there is no grass. And really not very many flowers. And not a whole lot of vegetation period.

Except for trees. Not deciduous trees like in beautiful old Missouri, but coniferous trees. Pines and Aspens and Junipers. They're gorgeous. And mountainy.

But apparently my body would like to reject them.

And now I'm the sneezy, whiny girl who can't breathe at all.

It is not fun.

And I'm not experienced with having allergies, so I'm not really sure what to do. I've taken every allergy medicine there is. I've been doing a sinus rinse. I've been sleeping with a humidifier on.

I know you're probably saying in your head, "Kate! Go to the doctor! They're trained to deal with this!" But as I've stated before, I have a deep rooted paranoia that the doctor will be ashamed that I would dare come to see them without being deathly ill. I feel like if I'm not requiring amputation, I should just tough it out.

Also, I'm stubborn.

So, here's hoping that the pollen count goes down so I can play outside.

Song of the Day: New Soul by Yael Naim

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ping Pong's Awesome

My work gave me an iTunes gift card because my team won an event entitled "Ping Pong Olympics."

There are several reasons this is awesome:

1) I work at a place that pays me to participate in something entitled "Ping Pong Olympics." Whatever you're envisioning, it was probably more awesome.

2) I was in competition. I love competition. Especially ridiculous competition that I can yell loudly during.

3) iTunes gift cards cause a wellspring of giddy anticipation within me. What am I going to buy? There's so many choices!

4) I bought one of the Avett Brothers live albums. And it has made my day awesome. Mainly because of the song below.

5) Again, this is part of my job.

6) Yes, you can be jealous of my life.

Much love.

Song of the Day: Ballad of Love and Hate by the Avett Brothers

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's Time

It's March 1.

I think you can guess what I might write about today.

It's the same subject that starts featuring on my blog often this time of year. (Like here and here and here.)

Yes, that's right, it's time for baseball.

Did you know some people don't care about baseball? It's true. It's weird to me, having grown up right in the middle of Cardinals country, but it's true. Some people don't care about baseball.

I am not one of those people. (Nor do I really understand them. I can count on getting more comments on any facebook status involving the Cardinals than anything about my personal life. These are my people.)

I'm listening to the Cardinals spring training game against the Marlins right now. While drinking a cup of coffee.


Sorry for the caps lock. It was necessary. Those are two of my favorite things in the world. And they have combined for a glorious afternoon.

Now, I no longer live in Missouri so I don't get to indulge in trips to Busch Stadium. And I also have a job that gets crazy busy during the summer, so I normally don't even get to go down to PHX to see my Cards play the Diamondbacks.

Sacrifices have been made by my move to Arizona.

However, there is one perk: Spring Training.

I always wanted to go to spring training and got my first chance last year. It was awesome. You get to go watch professional baseball games in college-sized stadiums. I almost got hit by a foul ball last time I went. And it's warm in March (unlike Williams where it snowed a foot this weekend).

Again, the Cardinals don't play in the Cactus League, they play in Florida in the Grapefruit League. So it's not a perfect situation. But it is pretty awesome.

This Sunday I will driving down the mountain, putting on my Ssekos, and watching some baseball.

Yes. Heaven.

Song of the Day: Live Forever by Drew Holcomb