Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Miss the Internet

So, turns out I was really tired because I was about to fall deathly ill.


At one point, I contemplated who would get my Blazer and my books.

Or maybe I'm really dramatic and it was just a flu bug. Whatever.

More importantly, I still don't have internet at my new house. And the ONE internet provider we have here in Williams said that we live too far out to get it. Now, we live 1/2 mile from camp and we have internet there, so I'm going to be making some more calls.

I need it.

And I'm pretty sure satellite internet isn't going to cut it. I read a lot of reviews.

In better news, we do have satellite TV, so I for sure got to watch my Tigers beat Oklahoma last Saturday. I made my Northern Arizona friends who couldn't care less come and watch it. And I made Roxy wear this:

She was really happy about it. As was I, because that was one of the most epic games I've ever seen.

Can't wait for Nebraska this weekend.

So, to sum up, I almost died, living in the middle of nowhere equals crappy internet, and Mizzou football makes me really happy.

What else is there to say?

Song of the Day: Wildflowers by Tom Petty (Sometimes when you look for songs on youtube, all you find are weird videos like this. But I still love this song. And also I enjoy the family pictures of strangers intermixed with stock photos from a PC and That's not weird.)


Christina Alicia said...

Kate this post made me miss you intensely.

brycestuck said...

I think it's pretty obvious that I would inherit the Bronco...

liz bohannon said...

don't you have an i-phone? i have an evo and just got this thing called PDA net. You pay $15 one time to download the program and you can tether your phone to your computer and it basically acts as a modem. super fast, super cheap. i don't think we'll ever have wireless again.

call me soon to chat pre-thanksgiving joy.

liz bohannon said...

ah. never mind. google told me it is $20 a month to tether an iphone.

evos rule.

Paige said...

Have you looked into a wireless card? My work gave me one for when I'm on the road, so I obviously use as my internet connection at my apartment.