Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fear Not, I'm Still Here

Remember when I used to blog?

Yeah, those were the days.

(See January of 2009 to know what I'm talking about. 32 posts in one month? I want that life back.)

In other news, it snowed here yesterday.

Yes, snow.


Here's proof:

OK, now I know that's not a lot of snow so I can't really start whining about it yet, but it's too soon! People are still being grouchy when I play Christmas music (which is everyday). It can't snow yet.

I'm still holding out hope that it will be a mild winter. Mainly because my new house has a wicked steep driveway and I needed new tires a year ago. So, let's all just keep our fingers crossed that that situation works out alright.

Lastly, I'm going to list what all is happening in my life in the next 2 weeks so you can appreciate how crazy my life feels right now:

Today: work, run home to make something delicious (undecided as to what), take deliciousness (not a nickname for myself) to family dinner, laundry MUST happen

Tomorrow: work, meet with some peeps, women's bible study/wine drinking extravanganza

Friday: morning fundraising work project with kids, get some coffee, spend a couple hours trying to get our paperwork/my life together, meet with team, go to weekend camp, yell at kids when I want to go to bed at midnight and they're too amped on soda and pizza to be quiet

Saturday: super packed day of high school weekend camp craziness, more sugar for the kids, lots of coffee for me

Sunday: coffee, weekend camp ends, get kids home, more coffee, back to camp to help at the yearly Williams Community Thanksgiving Dinner, mingle with my town folk

Monday: work, still more coffee, go to awesome albeit still unplanned post-camp-because-we're-too-tired-to-plan-club event with kids and team

Tuesday: work, start campaigners, inject coffee directly into my veins, laundry/packing

Wednesday: work, drive to PHX, stop at first Starbucks I see on highway

Thursday: Fly to Central Oregon, get pumped for some HK training/awesome work trip, realize that I left something really important to said trip in Williams (this is inevitable)

Friday: continue work trip, also continue coffee injections

Saturday: same

Sunday: get up at 3:30 AM (goo) to catch my 5:30 flight, drive to Flag for team meeting, drive to Williams, not a chance of unpacking, prep for short week of work before Thanksgiving

There it is.

My life makes me tired. And happy.

Song of the Day: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Sufjan Stevens (It's time, people.)

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Deliciousness (that is your new nickname by the way) I wish that a few of those "get coffee" times included me but I know they are fly by the seat of your pants times. I will miss you Kate. Maybe we can be friends in January. Or we can mingle with our town folks together on Sunday.