Monday, May 24, 2010

Alli's Back (Bachelorette, Ep. 1)

*Disclaimer: My life is super crazy. I make no promises to blog every week. But I will be watching. And judging.

Dear Alli,

Welp, you're back. I can't say I liked you at all last season. I found your squealing and pouting annoying the whole time. And I was really done with you when you collapsed crying in the middle of a hotel hallway.

Yet, here we are. You're the Bachelorette and we're going to be spending the next several Mondays together. Try not to cry or be a huge idiot.

Also, get rid of the weatherman. For serious.

I still don't like you,

Dear Chris L.,

You are literally the only person I gave a thumbs-up to in our snap-judgement round here at my house. The 12 people watching the show with me and I agree that you are the only one that is not a GINORMOUS tool.

I respect you for not talking about your deceased mom on Day 1. Keep being awesome.

You're no Ed, but I still think you're great,

Dear Weatherman,

Really? You remind me of Eric Alridge. That is not a compliment. Why don't you just pack it in now?


Dear Jesse from Missouri,

Please represent us well. It's going alright, but somehow people from Missouri always end up looking like crazies on TV. Redeem us.


Dear Producers,

This was the best you could do? Really? Try harder next time.

I'm disappointed,


Mom said...

Had to log on today - knew we'd see a post. Shame on us for spending our time watching this ... but how can we not!?

Ashleigh said...

It's Ali. One L. But that's ok.