Saturday, August 22, 2009

Have You Missed Them?

So, I've been really slacking on putting up songs of the day.  Mainly, that's because I'm really broke and can't afford to waste money on iTunes.  But still, there are a couple of songs that I have been loving recently.  Here's a taste.

The first is by an artist named Keeley Valentino.  My good friend Kathryn and I love to exchange mixes and a song from Keeley's first album was on one she sent me last spring.  I immediately downloaded the album (The Mechanics of Leaving).  It was the soundtrack of my life last summer and I could not stop listening to it for a solid 6 months.  She just put a new CD out called Three Cities and this is a recording of her performing 2 songs off of it: Honesty and Shame on Me 

The second is a song called Brand New Day by Joshua Radin.  I love it because it's sweet and optimistic and it makes me smile when I'm driving and the sun is shining and my windows are open.  

And lastly, the song that for some reason makes my heart ache, Two by Ryan Adams.  This one has been a favorite for awhile (as has Ryan Adams period.)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Embed Codes Make Life Easier

In case you missed it on facebook...

The tribute to "the Old Interns" aka Dusty, Sara, and Kate's Trip to the Canyon:

A Tribute to "the Old Interns" from Kate Tichelkamp on Vimeo.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Life is Good

Oh, man.

What can I possibly say about the past couple of weeks?  

I went to camp here with KC North:

It was awesome.  I'm sure I'll write more about it later.  I had an incredible time.  I didn't realize I missed leading Young Life so much, but a perfect combination of really fun girls, an awesome leadership team, and camp made that very obvious.

Two days after getting home, I came to see these people:
Yep.  Dusty and Sara.  They're 2 of my favorite people in the world and they live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, so I like to come see them often.

Together, we went here:

Ah, the Canyon.  A place that holds a very large chunk of my heart.  It was wonderful to see friends and to spend a solid 8 hours in 2 days simply sitting on the porch, talking about life and drinking coffee.  Not to mention the game playing.  I miss that.

And now I'm back in Washington.  Sara and I are drinking very good coffee and talking (and talking and talking) and playing on our computers.  

All this to say:  Life is good.  Very good.

Oh, and I no longer work at Grand Street Coffee.  I'm OK with that.  But I need a new job.  Yeah, I'm back to that.  Look forward to a return to job search blogging.  Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

See You in a Week!

I know how much you all rely on my witticisms to get you through your days, but you're going to have to do without for the next week.  I'm headed to Castaway with NKC Young Life and I am really pumped about it.  I thought this was going to be the first time in 7 years that I hadn't gone to YL camp, but luckily I was wrong.  I can't live without it.

I'll leave you with some questions to discuss in the comments:

1) Is it weird that I was seriously disappointed that it took me 9 days to read all 7 Harry Potters?  I really wanted to read one a day, but I just couldn't get it done.

2) When you read, do you switch from character to character in your head as they speak or do you see the whole scene from outside the characters? (Liz and Ashley do the former, I do the latter.)

3) Which do you enjoy more:  Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy?

4)  Who did you have a bigger crush on: Jonathan Taylor Thomas or Devon Sawa?

That should last you a week.  See you then!