Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Time in the Canyon

Christmas is fast approaching and, just like everywhere else in the world, that means a crazy amount of fun stuff to do in the canyon.

I got over being sick last week and headed back to work on Friday. Friday and Saturday were the same kind of routine. Me being exhausted from being sick and working my butt off deep cleaning in the quads. Deep cleaning the quads has seriously been an undertaking. We have had to move bunks, scrub walls, scrub down every bunk, take down light fixtures and generally clean anything and everything. It has been a long and arduous process broken up only by random shifts in the Washboard. The whole time we were deep cleaning the quads we were taking hour shifts of two of us in the Washboard. The Washboard became our safe place where we all wanted to be all the time. Seriously though, it's been hard and made harder by the fact I was sick but also enjoyable. We did a lot of stuff that put us all in the same room, so that's always fun.

Friday night was our first intern once-a-monther which is the monthly dinner and hang out time that we decided to commit to at the beginning of the year. It was also Kristen's birthday. So we had a lot of fun hanging out and eating dinner together. We then met for a while to plan the Christmas skit that we will be putting on at the All-Property Christmas Party on Wednesday. We're pretty excited about it. After we were done with that, we borrowed Korey's lazer tag set and headed to the Sports Center. That's right, we spent the next 2 hours playing lazer tag in the dark in the skate park which was super awesome. Seriously, you can be jealous. It was a lot of fun. Although I got out everytime because I go on ultimate offense every time I play lazer tag. Tis the price to pay.

Saturday was another day of deep clean followed by the most depressing football game I've ever watched. And I had to watch it in the company of OU fans. I will say no more. I believe you all understand my pain.

I woke up Sunday feeling much better and also excited because Jen had announced to us the day before that we were going to get a surprise special project to work on the next couple of days since we had finished the deep clean on one of the quads. I was very excited to find out that Becca, Lacey, Mandi and I were going to spend all of Sunday and Monday organizing and cleaning the Prop Room! It was amazingly fun to sort through the ridiculous amount of random costume stuff that we have here at Wildhorse. We, of course, dressed up in the most ridiculous outfits we could find and wore them around camp the entire day. It was also a great job because you could really see a huge difference at the end of the project which is always satisfying. And we weren't deep cleaning! It was all around awesome.

The other girls spent the past couple of days organizing stuff for the auction which is a once-a-year canyon event where they auction off everything that has been left in lost and found over the past year and all the profits go to campership. It's a fun event and I've already staked out some sweet stuff like a shirt that say Czech Me Out- Prague on it and some Mexican Train Dominoes. It's going to be sweet.

Tomorrow is Craft Day, which I'm stoked about. I'm going to learn how to knit. Other than being excited about that, we've basically just been hanging out and watching movies and playingn board games... Winter in the canyon personified.

I love you all and hope you're developing some festive cheer as you get ready to see ME at Christmas!


Mom said...

Kate, sounds like you should keep your crazy family in mind and have some fun shopping for Christms gifts at the auction! :]

I just bought a t-shirt that says "Willing to Learn New Tricks" - has a dog with a stick on it (do you think it's an old dog?).

You know how unusual(?) I am! :]
Love you and miss you SO MUCH!!

brycestuck said...

besides that fact that your mom upstaged me with an awesome and funny comment, this was a good post.. as you said, we don't have to talk about the game.. lazer tag sounds dope.. in your next post, you need to specify when/where you'll be home for christmas.. this is extremely important..

allie said...

yeah, what are those dates that you'll be returning to mid mo