Monday, December 17, 2007

Headed Home for the Holidays

So, it has been a really long time since I blogged. Not only have we gotten into a pretty mundane routine, but it has also been crazy busy. A lot has happened since I last blogged. We had All Clean last Monday which went well. After work, we all met with Craig Ingelsby to plan Entertainment Night for the Work Crew and Summer Staff Reunion this weekend. It is always the interns' jobs to put on Entertainment Night, which is super fun. More on that later.

I went to bed really early and slept really late. I spent a lazy day Tuesday hanging out and watching movies and the West Wing with Darren. It was definitely needed. It had been such a long week, though full of fun stuff.

Wednesday was a rough day for us. We got some bad news. I woke up in the morning to Kristen saying we needed to go over to the boys' condo and found out that my friend and fellow intern, Shea, was going to be leaving that afternoon for good. It has been really hard on us to have him leave. We are definitely a little family and it is a definite loss to have him gone.

We spent the whole day dealing with that news, and then we had the auction that evening. It was hard to get excited, but the auction is really a cool event. Everything that was left in Lost and Found and not claimed gets auctioned off and all the proceeds go to camp scholarships. Rich used to do livestock auctions, so he's got the for real auctioneer stuff going on and it's really fun. It was my job to log all the purchases into the computer. It was fun watching people get into bidding wars over random things like crocs or swim goggles. Most of the staff was there and it was fun.

We went back to work in Housekeeping the next day. Everyone was definitely emotionally heightened with everything that had happened the day before, so it was kind of a rough day. We had small group that night, followed by staff worship and then dance practice. We had decided to do the final number from Hairspray as the opening skit for Entertainment Night, so we had to learn it Thursday night. I was really tired, but it was really fun learning the dance with everyone. We may have looked like idiots, but we had a great time doing it. The boys were hilarious. It was definitely unifying to put together stuff for Entertainment Night, which is exactly what we needed. However, the my roomies and I were all on edge with each other for a few days which was making things difficult.

I passed out after dance practice and then was in HK all day Friday. People started arriving early Friday afternoon. It was kind of a weird weekend because everyone who was here had worked here for some length of time. All the old interns were back which was weird because you kind of like to think you're the only one who has ever lived here and had this job. Also, it meant all the old Work Crew and Summer Staff felt like the owned the place which meant we had to lock everything. But it was also really fun. They are all part of the extended Wildhorse family and many will be back this summer.

Saturday was a Sassy day. I got to sleep in and worked the afternoon shift. Then was Entertainment Night. First, we did the dance. Next, I came out by myself as Rosanna Suzanna Millingham and made a complete fool of myself telling the story of when I was on Work Crew and fell in love with an intern. And I wrote poems about it that just happened to be the lyrics of pop songs. Classic. I came out 3 times in my ridiculous outfit. It was a lot fun. Somehow, I'm the skit girl out here which is funny because I completely wasn't in Missouri. But I had a ton of fun doing it. We ended the night with "Hey There Reunion," which is our made up and recorded in the boys' house version of "Hey There Delilah." It was pretty impressive if I do say so myself. The whole night was seriously fun and followed by a late night in the Sassy.

(Also, there is video. I will attempt to find a way to show it to you all.... Craig.)

Sunday was HK all day. We did all the perifs in the afternoon because there is a camp in the day we get back. So we wanted to get as much done as possible. But we couldn't do the Iron Kettle or the Sports Center because people will be using them, so Jen has to do them by herself next week. I can't even imagine how much that will suck, but she seems excited.

After work, we went to a goodbye party for Kacie, who is leaving to go work at an orphanage in Northern Thailand. Yeah, I'm jealous. Then we played some poker. We've gotten really into Texas Hold'em the last week or so. I won 948 million fake dollars. It was pretty sweet.

The Iveys, Kristen and Drew all left last night, so we were short a few people for All Clean today. However, when we got in this morning, Jen told us as soon as we finished the list of things we had to do today, we could go home. Which was great because a lot of people were driving tonight. So, we kicked major booty and had everything done by 1:30! It was awesome. And also a really good thing because I'm still doing laundry and it's 9:00. I'm just about to start packing and I leave at 8:00 in the morning. So, I'm really glad we got off early.

It's down to Lacey, Dan, Darren and I here. Lacey leaves tomorrow morning and Darren's driving me to the airport on his way down to his hometown. Dan's staying for a couple more days before going home. It's weird to think I'm headed home tomorrow. It hasn't really sunk in. I'm pumped to see everybody. I feel like it's going to be a whirlwind.

Give me call; I'll have my cell phone! Love you all and see you in a couple of days!

1 comment:

brycestuck said...

the only reason I haven't complained for lack of posts was that you're coming home this week. I don't have a cell phone now (too long a story to tell without shedding a tear).. You can call my house or trey (893-7116 or 619-9240) and try to get ahold of me. Clearly k dude is still in school this week, so you HAVE to hang out with me.. im working at the news tribune all day, so you can also try to call me at my desk from 7:30-3:30 at 761-0258.. let's hang.. alot.. soon