Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Can't Stop Being Sappy.

I'm sitting in my office right now. And I have a rare moment of down time. Everybody's doing what they're supposed to be doing and they don't need me.

That's awesome...

And it lasted exactly as long as it took me to type those 4 sentences. As I was typing awesome, one of my Laundry girls yelled upstairs to ask me a question followed by 2 radio calls and a camper asking for beach towels.

I love my life.

Here's what's happening in HK-world right now: I'm in my office drinking what's left of my watered-down Americano and listening to the Britney Spears blasting through the speakers downstairs. My Laundry girls are folding towels and there's 4 servers in here folding kitchen linens and playing some really loud game that I don't understand. I just got back from checking on my tawashies, who are cleaning dorm rooms. To get to them, I had to walk through Cabin Games, where 430 leaders and campers are dressed in ridiculous outfits and running all over camp doing ridiculous things. I could see Susie and Abigail in the middle of chaos, showing our girls how to make mop water and asking them questions about who they are and where they're from.

Again, I love my life.

Even though it might be a little odd.

An example of how odd it can be: yesterday I came home and our Sites and Facilities Superintendent was in our driveway, attempting to break into my roommate's car while dressed in a full-on old western cowboy outfit. You see, Susie had locked her keys in her car and asked Jim to try to break into it. So he stopped by after he was done performing in the daily western shoot-out show that takes place in downtown Williams.

Seriously, I love my life.

At exactly this time 2 years ago, if you had told me I would be living in Williams, AZ, I would've laughed at you. I was loving living in Kansas City. I was near my friends and I was determined to find a job, to start a career that would look impressive.

And then I ended up here. Impressive, it is not. I'm not living the life I thought I was going to live. But I laugh so hard it hurts every single day. I drive two blocks out of the way to avoid the tourists gathered for the shoot-out show. I hang out with high school kids who think it's impossible to go to college or to reach for the life they want, and I tell them that they can. I live with some really impressive women who push me and encourage me and know me.

I love my life.

And even though this isn't where I thought I would end up, I'm probably not going anywhere anytime soon.

And I feel great about that.

Song of the Day: My Boy Builds Coffins by Florence + the Machine

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