Sunday, January 27, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

It snowed 6 inches in the Canyon today! It's so beautiful!

We had been having a pretty routine week. The staff returned from Florida, we worked HK, etc. This weekend we had 2 groups in. The first was a youth group from Calvary Chapel that have been out here before. The other was a group from the Salem/Keizer area. They were doing something really cool this weekend. It was a bunch of church youth groups from several different denominations and YL groups and stuff. They all came this weekend and the theme was One Body. It was basically a weekend aimed at unifying all the different groups. I thought it was a cool idea and something we don't see enough.

Normal weekend routine, we were only open twice. I continue to enjoy my new crew in the Sassy. Darren, Mike and Kristen are super fun and entertaining. Saturday was easy and fun. I woke up this morning and headed into work and it immediately started snowing. What's weird about the Canyon is that it will snow a foot up in Antelope but not a drop will touch us. Something about being down in the Canyon blocks us from most of the weather. You won't be able to get out, but the Canyon will be dry.

That was not the case today. We went to do check out, but it was up in the air whether or not the groups were going to be able to leave. So it was all chaos. They decided to stay, then decided to go, then decided to stay, then decided to go. Finally, both groups decided they were going to go and hopped on the busses. However, the busses got stuck on the roads and we had to drive out and shuttle kids back into camp. So all 380 kids ended up staying another night!

Things were crazy from there, but I was impressed with how smoothly we were able to take care of everything. We had to get the rooms that they had just checked out of ready for them to go back into. I had gone to the Sassy to do deposit and order and had just gotten back to HK when all this had been decided. So we got the rooms set up and then all the lady interns went to the kitchen to help them because they now had to throw together 2 more meals for 380 people.

It was a ton of fun working in the kitchen. I am definitely a little jealous of Mandi, the kitchen intern. Even though I ended up with the best job, she got a really fun one too. We got home after work and about half an hour later Andrew Pratt knocked on our door to ask if I would mind opening the Sassy for espresso for about an hour that night. I was excited to do it and rounded up some of my roomies to help. I loved being open again and getting to see all the kids one more time.

I have really come to love working in the Sassy. I feel like it really uses my gifts and talents well. Even though it seems like a crappy job, working in a snack bar, the Lord has really given me a passion for it. I love seeing kids come in over and over and doing what I can to create one more place in this camp where they will feel welcomed and loved. The Sass is so fun! I put up some pictures of what the Sassy looks like so you can all see it and wish you were here!
These are the lobby windows. We open them any time the full Sassy is open, for espresso mornings we just open the outside windows. We open both if it's really busy.
The Lobby...
Behind the scenes!
The Espresso Bar...

Anyway, it was a really fun night followed by weekly worship and now to bed. We have a 3-day weekend this weekend to make up for working MLK day, so a bunch of us are headed to Seattle. We're going to stay with Dusty's parents and celebrate Lacey's birthday while we're there. I'm really excited and just hope we can get out tomorrow!

Love you all!


brycestuck said...

happy birthday!

brycestuck said...

let's not let these things go so far without updates.. come on kate, you can do better.. what am i sposed to read in class (paying attention is hazardous to my health).. guess what? i have to give an informative speech in some class, so i'm informing everyone abou the life of chris farley, complete with youtube videos..

Craig Henry said...

kate, it's been almost a month since you've blogged. i know you have stuff to talk about; i mean, you got a deviled egg carrier for your bday?!

Craig Henry said...

today i had to write up a consent form for some interviews i'm doing for a research project, and i kept thinking that i hope someone will agree to it and then back out so i can say "give us back our consent form"

Craig Henry said...

hey kate... and mom! hope you two girls are having a blast at camp! kate, make mom do the leg shake dance for your friends (and for your enemies).

brycestuck said...


brycestuck said...

ok so clearly it isn't still snowing in the canyon... Kate, I believe we've had AT LEAST four conversations about you updating the blog.. just a sentence, that's all I'm looking for here... You can do it, I believe in you...