Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Love, Love, Love

So, I am not a sap.  I don't daydream about weddings or get weepy at the idea of someone getting married.  In fact, the whole idea of marriage weirds me out a little.

But I went to the most beautiful and joyous wedding this weekend.  

And it was perfect.

My dear, dear friends Ben and Liz got married.  It was in St. Louis on the deck at this beautiful winery, overlooking bluffs and trees and a lake.  The bride was beautiful and the groom looked dapper.  And there were dancing paper cranes.  It was a breath-taking scene.

There were a couple things that made this one of the my favorite weddings of all time.  The first was that it was one of those rare weddings where you sat in the audience as they said their vows and you knew that there was not a person in the entire place who remotely doubted that these two would go the distance, that they would figure out some way to love each other through everything and be a team united.  That is a really beautiful thing, and extremely rare.

The second thing that was awesome about this wedding was the sheer amount of people that I loved that were there.  Most weddings I go to, I only know either the bride or the groom or I only know them from one place and so there's a couple tables of people I know there and it's fun, but I'm pretty ready to leave at the end of the night.  Ben and Liz were and are both really good friends and our lives have been entwined.  So, for the most part, the people they love are the people I love as well.  

Also, it had now been a couple years since I graduated college and this was kind of an awesome reunion.  I had people ADD.  I couldn't focus on anyone because I could see 20 other people I wanted to catch up with at all times.  It was a great problem to be having!  

There was a great band and a chocolate fountain and a whole lot of dancing, so it was a fun-filled night.  But mostly, I got to see 2 people that I love dearly do what they do best, which is love in huge ways.  You could see it clearly in what they felt for each other and in the people they had around them.  

That's beautiful.

Song of the Day: Wedding Song by Angus and Julia Stone (This was their first dance... It's a beautiful song and was made even more beautiful when it was performed by my friend Emily.)

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