Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Miss the Internet

So, turns out I was really tired because I was about to fall deathly ill.


At one point, I contemplated who would get my Blazer and my books.

Or maybe I'm really dramatic and it was just a flu bug. Whatever.

More importantly, I still don't have internet at my new house. And the ONE internet provider we have here in Williams said that we live too far out to get it. Now, we live 1/2 mile from camp and we have internet there, so I'm going to be making some more calls.

I need it.

And I'm pretty sure satellite internet isn't going to cut it. I read a lot of reviews.

In better news, we do have satellite TV, so I for sure got to watch my Tigers beat Oklahoma last Saturday. I made my Northern Arizona friends who couldn't care less come and watch it. And I made Roxy wear this:

She was really happy about it. As was I, because that was one of the most epic games I've ever seen.

Can't wait for Nebraska this weekend.

So, to sum up, I almost died, living in the middle of nowhere equals crappy internet, and Mizzou football makes me really happy.

What else is there to say?

Song of the Day: Wildflowers by Tom Petty (Sometimes when you look for songs on youtube, all you find are weird videos like this. But I still love this song. And also I enjoy the family pictures of strangers intermixed with stock photos from a PC and That's not weird.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sometimes I Look Forward to Saturday on Tuesday Even Though I Love My Job

Hey everybody!

I'm really tired! Like, really, really tired.

But it's completely my fault because I've been doing things like taking weekend trips to Vegas and moving into my sweet new digs.

So I can't really complain because everything I've been doing is fun. But still, I just want to make sure you know, I'm really tired.

However, I am also very happy. And, if you know me, I think you know why.

That's right, it's Fall!!! My absolute most favorite season ever!

I'll list why:

1) The wardrobe. It's a little cold so I get to wear my sweaters and my jackets and all of my scarves. (I love scarves.)

2) The colors. I'm not in Missouri, so I'm sorely missing the beauty that is the trees in the fall, but we do have aspens here in NorAZ. And they are beautiful. They're yellow and the leaves are fluttery and it's sort of magical. So I'm still happy.

3) Pumpkin-flavored food and drink. Pumpkin spice lattes! Pumpkin cookies! Pumpkin cheesecake! Pumpkin baked ziti! These are some of my favorite foods and it is perfectly acceptable to make them all the time.

4) Football. I love college football. Especially when my Tigers start the season 6-0, get a ranking of #11, and have College Game Day broadcast from CoMO.

5) The beginning of Christmas. I don't care if you hate this, I'm easing into Christmas now. I have started occasionally quoting Elf and listening to Sarah McLachlan's Wintersong album. Not all the time yet, but it's happening and I love it.

All of these things are wonderful. Add them all together and you have me looking forward to waking up on Saturday, baking some pumpkin cinnamon rolls, watching Game Day, taking a long drive in a sweater and scarf to pick up a pumpkin spice latte which I will drink on my deck while listening to Christmas music and enjoying the trees, and ending the day by watching my Tigers beat Oklahoma and hopefully playing some games with my friends.

It is going to be the best day ever. Believe it.

Song of the Day: Romeo and Juliet by Matt Nathanson (Dire Straits cover)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mercy's Gonna Change the World. For Sure.

I don't have internet in my new house yet. So my blogging's probably going to suffer. Sorry.

To tide you over, here's a video of the beautiful Mercy from the first class of Sseko Girls (you've heard me talk about Sseko, yes?) talking about why our focus should be in building jobs and opportunity, not just doling out money.

Oh, these girls are awesome.

Mercy from liz bohannon on Vimeo.

Monday, October 4, 2010

This Post Includes a Worksheet on Sexual Purity. For Real.

Hi, Internet World!

I've missed you so much.

My life is crazy. Other times I've said that and it has only kind of been true. Right now, I mean it.

Firstly, I went home last weekend. It was awesome.

I got to go here:

And hang with my extremely cute neice and nephew.

It was wonderful. I didn't tell anyone I was coming home because it was a super quick trip and I haven't seen my family since Christmas. So I did nothing but hang out with them. And eat. And go to movies. And shop with my mom (for her, I'm broke).

Also, I found a box of old notes and stuff from high school in my old closet at my mom's house.

Oh, my goodness. It was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. It included several emails (from my AOL account: KTBeth213) written in by me in all caps, Comic Sans font, no punctuation. (My style of choice.)

It also included no less than 10 notes from the school office that said things like "Amy went home sick and won't be able to give you a ride to soccer." These were all lies and sent only because there was a cute Senior who would deliver notes to my 5th hour English class.

There were also many, many notes that served absolutely no purpose other than making me look cool as I passed them.

But the best find was this worksheet from one of my Religion classes.
Yes, it is a worksheet about sexual purity. Three of the fill-in-the-blank answers are "God," "Satan," and "Sexual Purity." And under the question "Have you given God control of your total being?," I wrote, "Nopers."

Seriously. Here's the proof.
Yeah, I was such a smart-ass. If that wasn't good enough, on the back of the sexual purity worksheet, I doodled about some boys named Tyler and Jason.

I knew about 20 Tylers and Jasons in high school and I genuinely have no idea which ones I was in love with in 2000. But I can tell you I probably wasn't daydreaming about sexual purity as I doodled their names with mine.

And lastly, I found this incredibly awesome picture of my brother and I at Yellowstone circa 1995. (Check the perm. And the walking stick.)

So, yeah. Obviously home was awesome.

However, add the absence from real life to the fact that I'm moving (into the sweetest house ever- that story will follow in a later post) and I'm trying to lead Young Life while being good at my job, and my life is legitimately crazy.

But, funny enough, it doesn't feel overwhelming. It feels good. And I'm excited.

So, bring it, life! I can take you!

Song of the Day: I Will Be Light by Matisyahu