Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Hate Packing

Everyone should read my friend Liz's blog.  She's in Africa and that alone makes her life much more interesting than mine.  Also, she's the best storyteller I know.  As in, if this were Medieval times, she would be traveling around telling stories about dragons and princesses and stuff.  But instead, she writes a blog about Africa and aerobics classes.  It makes me want to move there. 

My time here in the Canyon continues to wind down.  We have a little less than 2 weeks left.  I just started packing.  My other roommates are all packed already, of course.  I have one box of books packed.  I'm sure anyone who knows me is not remotely shocked by my procrastination.  

The next couple of weeks are going to be packed with Canyon events which I am pretty stoked about.  It's a weird thing out here.  Summer is what this place is created for, the whole purpose of it.  You feel like you're doing the best work during the summer, the most important work.  But off-season is what makes this a great place to live.  We had a big pot-luck the other day to say good-bye to our old property manager and his family.  I was just looking around and kind of overwhelmed by they community and the way I fit in it.  It's such an odd group of people.  It spans the ages.  We have newborns to eighty-year-olds.  And the people are so different.  But it all fits together.  And people love each other and this place and this work.  I was struck by how unique it is to live in a place like this.  And how much I'm going to miss it, even though it was so hard.  

On the other hand, I am excited to leave.  I love a new adventure, and this one seems even crazier than the first.  Packing up my Blazer and moving out to the middle of Oregon was one thing, but leaving everything I own in Oregon and flying to NYC is another.  Also, I have no idea where I'm going after NYC.  But I'm pretty excited about that as well.  I'm going to be praying a lot and exploring a lot.  I want to know that I can be adventurous and rooted at the same time.  I'm not sure yet what that looks like, but I'll let you know if I ever get it figured out.  

Everyone get pumped because the one and only Denny Ryberg is headed to the Canyon this weekend to speak for the Oregon Leadership Weekend.  We'll probably hang out, shoot some pool.  It's whatever.

Peace and love. 


Craig Henry said...

2 WEEKS!!??!!

e. lizabeth said...

a couple of things:

1.) i have some post NYC suggestions for you if you are in need of some ideas. please let me know.
2.) a mention and..even recommendations for my blog! OMG. this is going to skyrocket my readership! who knows?! by then end of the week i might have six readers. OH baby!!! do you think i could get some advertisers on board???

Rebecca said...

I feel so disconnected from everyone and what my life used to be like, but it was really diesel (recent addition to the vocabulary courtesy of my friend from new york) getting to read your blog and think about the way things used to be for a sec. I know that we are going to go our separate ways and our relationship will never be the way it used to be (wow this isn't supposed to be depressing) but I just wanted to tell you that I will always Know you. and yes, I mean that with a capital K. It doesn't matter what crazy things we are doing or how long it's been since we've talked I feel like we could pick right back up at any time. To quote one of my favorite people of all times, we're bosom friends. I wish you all the peace and grace God can give. Love, Rebecca